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November 26, 2015Knowledge Portal
Can our global food system keep up with rapid urbanisation?

This blogpost on the GAIN-webpage explores whether there are limits to the capacity of our global food system to deal with increased urbanization. The author argues that what is needed to ensure emerging urban markets do not lose nutritious foods, is the scaling up of innovative green cold chain technologies. »

November 24, 2015Knowledge Portal
Integrating SMEs into Global Value Chains: challenges and policy actions in Asia

This study (PDF) by the Asian Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank Institute examines ways of encouraging SME participation in value chains, and explores policy solutions to address the financial and nonfinancial barriers faced by SMEs in global value chains. The authors highlight that two main factors
require attention: 1) enterprise competitiveness and 2) enterprise connectivity. »

November 19, 2015Knowledge Portal
Macroeconomics, agriculture, and food security: A guide to policy analysis in developing countries

This book by Eugenio Díaz-Bonilla, provides an introduction to policy analysis related to monetary, financial, fiscal, exchange rate, and trade policies as they affect, and are affected by, agricultural and food security issues. Its approach, based on a simplified macroeconomic consistency framework, uses empirical cases to illustrate the problems involved. »

November 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
An exploratory study of changing consumption patterns and the inclination to engage in food-related protests

This article argues that the relationship between riots, dietary patterns and the willingness to riot is not straightforward since the changes in consumption of different food groups influence the willingness to riot in different ways. After the widespread food riots in 2008, some authors argued that higher food prices cause political unrest, or food riots. Nevertheless, research has demonstrated that political, cultural, and economic factors confound the impact of price in determining whether a food riot occurs. »

November 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
Developing the knowledge, skills and talent of youth to further food security and nutrition

This report by CFS; FAO; IFAD and WFP (PDF) provides case studies from different regions, that set out the challenges, successes and lessons learned relating to the development of knowledge, skills and capacity for youth in agriculture. The case studies cover the areas of peer-to-peer knowledge transfer, vocational training and skills development, and education systems and research. »

November 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
How to enhance youth employment in Africa

This short movie on CNBC Africa focuses on how to enhance youth employment in Tanzania. Agriculture is a very important job creator in Tanzania, which has an unemployment rate of around 12 per cent. However youth unemployment is much higher and this applies to most of the continent. CNBC Africa’s Thomas Maree spoke to Awadh Milasi »