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December 29, 2016Knowledge Portal
Strengthening agricultural water efficiency and productivity on the African and global Level

This report by FAO targets agricultural water extension agents and technical experts, providing them with clear indications on how to improve water harvesting capacity for agricultural production as well as how to select feasible and suited water harvesting techniques for different geographical areas. The assessment outlined in this report forms part of the ‘Strengthening Agricultural Water Efficiency and Productivity on the African and Global Level’ project. »

December 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Can sub-Saharan Africa feed itself?

This article, published by the PNAS Journal, presents a study that provides insight about the challenge in meeting the projected tripled cereal demand by 2050 due to expected population growth and modest changes in diets in 10 SSA countries, through scenarios of yield gap closure. Recent studies indicate that the global increase in food demand by 2050 can be met through closing the gap between current farm yield and yield potential on existing cropland. Here, however, we estimate it will not be feasible to meet future SSA cereal demand on existing production area by yield gap closure alone. »

December 23, 2016Knowledge Portal
The business case for digitally-enabled smallholder finance

This report by RAF Learning is exploring the business case for smallholder finance, in particular the role of digital approaches in making it possible to profitably serve this market at scale. New digital technologies and innovative business models are making it possible to provide credit to smallholder farmers in Africa. The report looks at where and how innovations in digital technology promise to enable financial service providers to serve smallholders at scale. »

December 22, 2016Knowledge Portal
Maize seed systems analysis

These four reports by the KIT are analysis of four maize seed systems in Malawi, Zambia, Bihar in India and Chiapas in Mexico. The four documents describe the adoption and impact of improved maize germplasm at small scale farmer level in these four areas. The objective is to understand whether smallholder farmers have access to seed of improved maize varieties, and if so, how the seed sector supports this. »

December 22, 2016Knowledge Portal
A scheme and training manual on good agricultural practices (GAP) for fruits and vegetables

This publication by FAO provides good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for fruits and vegetables during on-farm production and post-production processes resulting in safe agricultural products, ensuring a safe food supply. This publication comprises two volumes: Volume 1 documents the entire scheme and Volume 2 covers a training package on this scheme. »

December 19, 2016Knowledge Portal
Lessons learned: Designing and implementing conservation agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa

This “Lessons Learned” document reviews experiences over the last two decades in conservation agriculture and provides practical guidelines for the adoption of CA on program level and more technicallu. The three principles of conservation agriculture are: continuous minimum mechanical soil disturbance; permanent organic soil cover; and diversification. While CA took off in Latin America, adoption in sub-Saharan Africa has been limited due to different contexts and challenges. »