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May 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Inclusive agribusiness

These six papers explore some of the key themes in inclusive agribusiness. The papers discuss enabling policy environments, access to finance, gender, multi-stakeholder partnerships, inclusive business models in agriculture and systemic approaches to inclusive agribusiness. »

May 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Can land reform feed South Africa?

This article by Oxpeckers explores the role of land reform in improving the food security situation in South Africa. The author argues that if reform is not well targeted it may threaten food security and benefit only the elites in rural areas. »

May 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sweetpotato seed systems in sub-Saharan Africa

This working paper reviews CGIAR’s current knowledge of sweet potato seed systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim is to identify gaps and research needs to ensure smallholder farmers can access timely and sufficient quantities of quality sweet potato planting material. »

May 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Integrating a gender perspective to help scale Africa RISING technologies and practices: Requirements for proposal development and implementation

This short guide helps Africa RISING researchers to properly address gender issues in their proposals and interventions. Gender equality is central to the process of scaling technologies and practices in a sustainable manner. Failing to take into account gender differences can limit the reach and scale of Africa RISING technologies. This tool describes how gender issues should be addressed in each step of the intervention designing process. »

May 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agricultural innovators in Ethiopia: Lessons from the food security and Rural Entrepreneurship Innovation Fund

This publication introduces the Food Security and Rural Entrepreneurship (FSRE) Innovation Fund and explains how it contributes to rural innovation in Ethiopia. The fund supports ideas that have the potential to become scalable innovations that improve food security and strengthen rural entrepreneurship. »

May 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agriculture, food systems, and nutrition: Meeting the challenge

This article reviews the role agriculture plays in improving nutrition, how food systems are changing rapidly due to globalization, trade liberalization, and urbanization, and the implications this has for nutrition globally. Malnutrition is a multisectoral, multi-level problem. »