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June 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
From coherence towards commitment: Changes and challenges in Zambia’s nutrition policy environment

This article investigates changes in nutrition policy and action over time in Zambia. An enabling environment for malnutrition reduction includes creating policy and political momentum, and converting momentum to implementation and impact. Another article of this edition describes more positive experiences in setting-up national nutrition policy and programs in Senegal. »

June 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Food consumption patterns in light of rising incomes, urbanization and food retail modernization

This PhD dissertation provides new insight into the nature of the diet transformation that is unfolding in Eastern and Southern Africa, and on some of its drivers and effects. It considers the effects of income and urbanization on the commodity makeup and source of foods in household diets, including processed foods. »

June 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Changing the norm, making agriculture “cool” for young people

This opinion paper discusses the perception of people on agriculture as a profession. Attracting the youth to agriculture requires a shift in the perception of agriculture as a subsistence activity to a viable business enterprise and also creating the enabling environment, which employs a modern approach to farming that raises productivity, making agriculture an attractive venture. »

June 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Assessing the sustainability of vegetable production practices in northern Ghana

Urban vegetable production is an intensive agricultural strategy through which urban dwellers secure income and improve their livelihoods. This article aims to understand whether vegetable gardening is a sustainable form of intensification for urban dwellers. »

June 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Banana as a cash crop and its food security and socioeconomic contribution: The case of Southern Ethiopia

This article assesses the potential contribution of banana production to food and income security in Southern Ethiopia. The paper also explored the major banana production maximization bottlenecks. »

May 31, 2017Knowledge Portal
Boosting youth employment in Africa: What works and why?

This synthesis report reviews the latest knowledge on youth employment in Africa. By 2020, most new jobs will be created in informal sectors. A focus on enhancing productivity in these two currently low-productive sectors is, therefore, crucial in the short term. »