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April 14, 2020Knowledge Portal
Diets in a time of coronavirus: Don’t let vegetables fall off the plate

This blog at IFPRI explains that vegetables production, trade and consumption are particularly affected by COVID-19 because of their highly seasonal nature, high labor needs, perishability and the need for good storage and distribution logistics, with significant implications for nutrition security. To protect healthy diets, policy debates should focus on trade-offs between international trade and local or common production systems, consolidation in the food system that leaves government with few policy levers in times of crisis, and how the most vulnerable can be supported in access to healthy diets. »

April 14, 2020Knowledge Portal
Towards demand-driven services? The role of feedback mechanisms in agribusiness-based advisory services for smallholder farmers

This paper explores the extent to which agribusinesses provide demand-driven services based on farmer feedback and how they integrate and learn from such feedback. The study shows that agribusinesses provide focused advisory services to diverse farmers in developing countries, which are often farmers’ main source of technical advice. »

April 10, 2020Knowledge Portal
Inclusive finance and rural youth

This study analyses inclusive finance and rural youth through cutting-age research with new insights and approaches that have emerged over the years in the field. The overall narrative clearly documents the ways in which rural youth engage with the economy, policy and institutions and identifies the rapid changes occurring across the globe as well as the opportunities and challenges that young people living in rural areas encounter in their different livelihoods. »

April 8, 2020Knowledge Portal
Global food policy report 2020: Building inclusive food systems

The 2020 Global Food Policy Report focuses on the need to build inclusive food systems, both to ensure that marginalized and vulnerable people enjoy the benefits and opportunities that food systems can bring and to support sustainable development. »

April 6, 2020Knowledge Portal
Sustainable food systems through diversification and indigenous vegetables: An analysis of the Arusha area

This report aims at filling the knowledge gap on the factors and actors that are currently hindering the benefits of indigenous vegetables to materialise, and how governance and policy can support indigenous vegetables in diverse contexts in Arusha, Tanzania. Interdisciplinary research using a politically sensitive food system approach can help develop pathways that make trade-offs more explicit and take into account the interests and incentives of the different actors involved.  »

April 6, 2020Knowledge Portal
Future global pig production systems according to the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways

This study analyzed the development of the pig production sector at the scale of world regions, using the IMAGE-Pig model. The results show that due to the growing pork production total feed demand has increased by a factor of two. The sustainability of pig production systems for the coming decades will be based not only on the expected efficiency improvements at the level of animal breeds »