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August 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
The support for farmers-led seed systems in African seed laws

This synthesis report compares regional and national seed laws in Africa, and analyzes the extent to which they support (or undermine) farmers’ participation in seed systems. The paper pays particular attention to how or whether these laws recognize farmers as conservers and breeders of crop varieties, and as potential multipliers and providers of seed. »

August 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Institutional versus non-institutional credit to agricultural households in India: Evidence on impact from a national farmers’ survey

This article investigates the role of institutional credit on farm income and farm household consumption expenditures in India. A goal of agricultural policy in India has been to reduce farmers’ dependence on informal credit. To that end, recent initiatives are focused explicitly on rural areas and have a positive impact on the flow of agricultural credit. »

August 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Alternative approaches to food: Community supported agriculture in urban China

This article studies the role of new and alternative approaches to food. The paper focuses on the question of how community supported agriculture can deal with the food-related issues emerging from China’s development. »

August 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Beyond the agroecological and sustainable agricultural intensification debate: Is blended sustainability the way forward?

This discussion paper examines the debate over two pathways to sustainability, namely sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) and agroecological intensification (AEI). The results reveal that proponents of the SAI pathway are predominantly private sector actors, while support for the AEI pathway comes mainly from international donors, NGOs and civil society actors. »

August 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Not just food: For southern Africa to succeed, think nutrition

This blog discusses the importance of food systems and collaborative solutions for improving nutrition. There has been recognition by the Mozambican government that nutrition matters, but the challenge is primarily one of implementation. »

August 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
The policy landscape for infant and young child feeding in South Asia

This edition focuses on how an improved policy landscape can improve infant and young child feeding practices in South Asia. Enabling policy environments for nutrition requires evidence to support best practice and engagement with political and policy contexts, as well as leadership, resourcing, advocacy, and technical support. »