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September 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Policy support for sustainable crop intensification in Eastern Africa

This article looks at the level of policy support for Sustainable Crop Intensification (SCI) in Eastern Africa. Designing and implementing policies that address the bottlenecks to SCI interventions is pertinent to address low crop productivity. However, little attention is geared towards analyzing the existing policies and examining their provision in addressing the key challenges. »

September 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Trade-offs between environment and livelihoods: Bridging the global land use and food security discussions

This article connects the discussion on the trade-offs between agricultural production and environmental concerns, including the asserted need for global land use expansion, and the issues of rural livelihoods and food security. »

September 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Scaling inclusive business models at the nexus of poverty and environment: Case studies from the Philippines

This report examines inclusive business (IB) models at the nexus of poverty and environment in order to demonstrate how to scale them up successfully. The paper focuses on three inclusive agroforestry businesses in the Philippines. Investigation into these companies’ IB models reveals the fundamental components of success for the companies, farmers, the ecosystem, local value-chain actors and the natural environment where production takes place. »

September 4, 2017Knowledge Portal
Forestry for food security and nutrition

This position paper provides policy recommendations to safeguard and improve the contributions of the forestry sector to food security and nutrition. The relative neglect of the forestry sector compared with other forms of agriculture by policymakers, means that the potential for the sector to play a greater role in securing food security remains great. »

September 4, 2017Knowledge Portal
Women’s economic empowerment and agribusiness: Opportunities for the gender transformative agenda

This report explains the extent to which donor-supported agribusiness initiatives engage with the gender transformative agenda. A methodology for analyzing agribusiness projects from a gender perspective was developed to review gender-related initiatives at the field level and in project management. »

September 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Rural youth employment

This report was prepared as an input to discussions on rural youth employment in the G20 Development Working Group. This focus on rural youth employment is essential, since youth are more likely than adults to be unemployed and a large share of youth live in rural areas. »