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September 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sustainable diets for healthy people and a healthy planet

This discussion paper connects the dots between sustainable food systems, dietary patterns, health, nutrition and climate change mitigation. Developing a global food system to deliver healthy diets for a growing population, while reducing the environmental impact and reining in climate change, is one of the greatest global challenges of our time. »

September 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Access to finance from different finance provider types: Farmer knowledge of the requirements

This article compares farmer knowledge of the requirements to obtain finance with the actual requirements set by different finance provider types. This can provide valuable insights to policy makers about ways to improve farmers’ access to finance.  »

September 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Creating opportunities for young people in Ghana’s cocoa sector

This paper presents young people’s experiences of growing up in Ghana’s cocoa belt, and identifies key barriers to their involvement in the sector and highlights opportunities to promote their participation in cocoa farming. Based on findings from focus group discussions with youth aged 15-25 in the cocoa-growing belt and from key informant interviews, the key issues raised are access to land, finance, and skills development, as well as perceptions of the cocoa sector, particularly among women.  »

September 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Counting the hours: The challenges of measuring time use

This blog discusses the challenges associated with collecting time-use data in developing countries. Data from Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index surveys are used to compare the most commonly used methods of data collection to measure time: stylized survey questions and time diaries. »

September 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Healthy soils for productive and resilient agricultural landscapes

This brief assesses the impacts of various land restoration initiatives and discusses a range of tools to better tailor and target investments and interventions to local contexts. Healthy soils are essential for productive and resilient agricultural systems, and they are a means to mitigate climate change risks. »

September 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
Beyond the hype: Mobile phones and the web to improve agricultural value chains

This technical brief summarizes the lessons learned from seven ICT4Ag projects, offering key recommendations for future projects. The brief highlights the importance of understanding users’ needs by interacting with potential clients before designing an app and then pilot-testing it to fine tune the services provided. »