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September 27, 2017Knowledge Portal
Enabling environment and smallholder finance: A complex relationship

This analysis discusses the relationship between the enabling environment and smallholder finance. The smallholder finance environment is determined by at least four key elements, including the regulatory, financial, knowledge, and digital infrastructure of a given country or context. »

September 27, 2017Knowledge Portal
Greedy or needy? Land use and climate impacts of food in 2050 under different livestock futures

This article estimates global land use and greenhouse gas emissions for a set of scenarios, building on four livestock futures. The scenarios are: further intensification of livestock systems; a transition to plant-based eating; a move towards artificial meat and dairy; and a future in which livestock production is restricted to the use of ‘ecological leftovers’.  »

September 27, 2017Knowledge Portal
Farmer-led innovations and rural household welfare: Evidence from Ghana

This article analyzes the effect of farmer-led innovations on rural household welfare, measured by income, consumption expenditure, and food security. It is well recognized that agricultural innovations could emerge from many sources, including rural farmers. »

September 25, 2017Knowledge Portal
The urbanization of malnutrition

This article discusses how rapid urbanization is shifting the impacts of malnutrition from rural to urban areas. Rural marginal landholders, compelled to abandon their food producing role, migrate to urban centers to join instead the growing millions of consumers. »

September 25, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global land outlook

This publication addresses the future challenges and opportunities for the management and restoration of land resources in the context of sustainable development. The current pressures on land are huge and expected to continue growing. It is clear that the next few decades will be the most critical in shaping and implementing a new and transformative global land agenda. »

September 25, 2017Knowledge Portal
Microalgae as feed ingredients for livestock production and meat quality

This article unveils the dietary microalgae effects currently known on production and meat quality of livestock species. These small-sized algae, have been studied as a natural marine resource for a number of economically relevant applications, including animal feed. Research evidence so far has shown that the inclusion of microalgae in animal diets could improve growth and meat quality in ruminants, pigs, poultry and rabbits. »