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October 16, 2017Knowledge Portal
Urban agriculture and vertical farming

This article introduces the novel agricultural practice of vertical farming /urban agriculture. This practice can help deliver safe and nutritious food for a growing world population, in environmentally and socially sustainable ways. »

October 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
The human factor in development cooperation: An effective way to deal with unintended effects

This article argues that following the human stories in development policy and implementation can offer surprising insights into why at times policies may work or not work. Too often the human factor is relegated to an input or an externality in a quasi-technical process for transforming public funds into measurable results. »

October 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Land resource planning for sustainable land management

This working paper provides an overview of the development and status of implementation of land evaluation and land-use planning concepts and tools for land resource and landscape management. »

October 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Nourished: How Africa can build a future free from hunger and malnutrition

This report identifies interventions that work and recommends options for policies and programs to eliminate hunger and malnutrition in all its forms. What is required are policies and interventions that go beyond just increasing agricultural production to making actual improvements in the provision and quality of diets, leveraging the potential of the agriculture sector, and in other rural services such as health, water, sanitation, and hygiene. »

October 9, 2017Knowledge Portal
Tapping the economic and nutritional power of vegetables

This review article explores the potential for vegetables to provide new opportunities for economic growth for smallholder farmers in low-income countries and to advance food and nutrition security for consumers. »

October 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Four strategies for overcoming barriers to agricultural financing

This highlight discusses the engagement of formal financial service providers in the agriculture sector. Less than 2% of the demand for global financing by smallholder farmers is met by financial institutions. This is due to a number of risks that are specific to agriculture. »