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November 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
Small Grants, Big Impacts

This policy brief shows how small grants work, why they are effective, and how governments, international institutions and donors could use them to ensure that funding comes to the right place. Small grants funds, which are set up locally, can form the link between large donors and grassroots organisations. »

November 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
The nutrition advantage: Harnessing nutrition co-benefits of climate-resilient agriculture

This study of IFAD’s experience in improving nutrition in climate-sensitive agricultural investments, shows that climate change impacts in agriculture and the prevalence of malnutrition in rural areas are deeply intertwined. »

November 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Building resilience through sustainable groundwater use

This brief elaborates on the importance of sustainable groundwater use and management for improved agricultural production. The authors argue that using groundwater for agricultural production has the potential to build resilience in food insecure regions of the world. »

November 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global Nutrition Report 2017: Nourishing the SDGs

This report shows that ending malnutrition in all its forms will catalyze improved outcomes across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The analysis shows there are five core areas that run through the SDGs to which nutrition can contribute, and in turn, benefit from. »

November 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global food security index 2017: Measuring food security and the impact of resource risks

This report provides a worldwide perspective on which countries are most and least vulnerable to food insecurity and how resource risks increase vulnerability. Given the growing threats to food security posed by climate change and natural resource depletion, the 2017 iteration of the index includes a new category that seeks to understand the impact that these risks will have on global food security. »

November 9, 2017Knowledge Portal
Ten emerging lessons from the African Seed Access Index (TASAI)

This publication shows ten emerging lessons from studies appraising the the structure and economic performance of formal seed sectors in 13 countries. A competitive seed sector is key to ensuring timely availability of high quality seeds of improved, appropriate varieties at affordable prices to smallholder farmers in Africa. »