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November 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
Rooftop gardening for improved food and nutrition security in the urban environment

This book chapter reviews the diversity of species and cultivars which can be grown on the roofs of buildings, and of how they can contribute to supplying a variety of nutrients. This can help to meet the requirements for a healthy diet and contribute to the food and nutrition security of the increasing urban population. »

November 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
An assessment of constraints faced by the farmers in peri-urban vegetable cultivation

This article identifies key production constraints faced in peri-urban vegetable cultivation in India. The constraints in practicing peri-urban agriculture were enlisted from practicing farmers, agricultural scientists, and also from literature. Further, all the identified constraints were categorized into five groups: technological, economic, labour, marketing and environmental constraints. »

November 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
The use of urban plant resources for health and food security in Kampala, Uganda

This PhD dissertation aims to provide an understanding of the current and potential contribution of urban plant resources to human wellbeing (with a focus on food security) in Kampala, Uganda. With some of the highest urbanization rates in the world, Sub-Saharan Africa faces serious challenges in providing sufficient, healthy and affordable foods for its growing urban populations. Urban biodiversity can provide people with healthy food products in addition to other ecosystem services. »

November 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
Technology adoption and value chains in developing countries: Evidence from dairy in India

This article analyzes farm-level technology adoption in the dairy chain in India. Adoption of modern technologies in agriculture is crucial for improving productivity and welfare of poor farmers in developing countries. Not much is known about how value chains do (not) affect technology transfer and/or adoption in food chains in developing countries. »

November 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Societal effects of food: An exploration of a new methodology

This publication discusses a method to map the societal effects of food production and consumption and the relative size of those effects. It uses six capital categories: financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, natural and social and relationship capital, which are subdivided to cover all relevant societal effects of food. »

November 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Changing gender roles in agriculture?: Evidence from 20 years of data in Ghana

This discussion paper provides a unique overview of changes in gender patterns in agriculture during more than 20 years in Ghana. At a time when donors and governments are increasing efforts to mainstream gender in agriculture, it is critical to revisit long-standing wisdom about rural women and men farmers to be able to more efficiently design and evaluate policy interventions. »