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June 3, 2020Knowledge Portal
Urban governance for nutrition

The ‘Urban Governance for Nutrition’ programme brings diverse stakeholders together to develop policies and actions that help to equitably and sustainably shape urban food environments to deliver healthy diets. Three working papers have been released with case studies from India, Pakistan and Tanzania. »

May 28, 2020Knowledge Portal
Climate-smart agriculture and global food-crop production

This article shows that a subset of agronomic practices that are often included under the rubric of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) can contribute to increasing agricultural production under unfavorable climate regimes while contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG). CSA with its multi-objective approach may provide a useful framework for decision-making ranging from the farm to the policy level. »

May 25, 2020Knowledge Portal
How to integrate gender equity strategies into horticulture value chains

This webinar introduces key definitions of gender equity and strategies for implementing gender equity approaches into projects. The workshops discusses key definitions of vocabulary to effectively integrate gender equity into projects. Women’s empowerment is a critical aspect of gender integration in horticulture as women make up a large percentage of farmers and are a key linkage to household nutrition. »

May 15, 2020Knowledge Portal
Impact of Covid-19 on women workers in the horticulture sector in Kenya

This report aimed to establish the impact of Covid-19 on women workers in the horticulture sector. This was assessed with special focus on employment status, living conditions, shifts in household expenses and outlook for the future. A rapid assessment indicates that food security is a major concern mainly due to job losses and increasing food prices. »

May 14, 2020Knowledge Portal
Drought, resilience, and support for violence: Household survey evidence from DR Congo

This study examined the variation in the support for violence related to reported exposure to drought and resilience metrics, using household survey data from two conflict-affected regions in DR Congo. »

May 13, 2020Knowledge Portal
The voices of women cooks in food markets in La Paz

This paper (PDF) by Hivos and IIED shares results of research carried out together with women vendors in dining areas of markets in La Paz, Bolivia, guided by interest and concerns of the vendors themselves. Bolivian people’s diets have changed significantly in recent years due to urbanisation, increased purchasing power, and changes in consumer preferences. »