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Resources CoP Markets, Supply Chains & Nutritious foods
May 29, 2020Knowledge activity
Resources CoP Markets, Supply Chains & Nutritious foods
Theme: CoP Markets, Supply Chains & Nutritious foods

During the online meetings, members of the CoP Markets, Value Chains & Nutritious foods refer to several documents and information, which will regularly be added to the resources list in this post. »

First call CoP Markets, Supply Chains and Nutritious foods - May 18, 2020
May 29, 2020Knowledge activity
First call CoP Markets, Supply Chains and Nutritious foods – May 18, 2020
Theme: CoP Markets, Supply Chains & Nutritious foods

The scope of this Food security and COVID-19 CoP is “food value chains from farm to fork, including nutritious foods and reaching the most vulnerable”. In the first CoP call, three potential areas for collaboration were identified: implementation in the field; Policy/advocacy/governance; and Knowledge sharing. »

COVID-19 Virtual round table – May 8, 2020
May 26, 2020Knowledge activity
COVID-19 Virtual round table – May 8, 2020
Theme: Food security and COVID-19

Following up on the first virtual round table a second meeting on the COVID-19 response was held to discuss the proposed four Communities of Practice that emerged as commonly identified focus areas in the first meeting. The goal of this meeting was to make these CoPs concrete, discuss how they are organized and what steps they can start taking. »

COVID-19 Virtual round table – April 15, 2020
May 26, 2020Knowledge activity
COVID-19 Virtual round table – April 15, 2020
Theme: Food security and COVID-19

On April 15, a first virtual round table was convened by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department Inclusive Green Growth (MinFA-IGG) and the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) for bilaterally funded programmes to see what is possible to support local farmers, nutrition programmes and partners with existing means. »

Build on knowledge, translate to action
May 20, 2020Knowledge activity
Build on knowledge, translate to action

IFPRI’s 2020 Global Food Policy Report was written before the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Although the world changed drastically ever since, the insights shared in the report are still valuable and an important source of knowledge to inform the policies and actions currently developed and implemented. A virtual event was organized by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 28 to launch the report, present and discuss the outcomes and place them in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. »

Scaling for impact: strengthening Benin Food & Nutrition Security in policy and practice
May 14, 2020Knowledge activity
Scaling for impact: strengthening Benin Food & Nutrition Security in policy and practice

During a three-day workshop in Cotonou end November 2019, all Applied Research Fund (ARF) projects of NWO-WOTRO in Benin got together. Since these projects are finished or almost finalised, it was time to take stock of their outcomes, share lessons learned, and tackle issues related to scaling-up of project results. The final report (in French) and video are now available. »