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UNSC resolution 2417 and local food systems in the humanitarian-development nexus
September 20, 2018Knowledge activity
UNSC resolution 2417 and local food systems in the humanitarian-development nexus
Theme: Food security and stability

On September 12, the F&BKP and the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law jointly organized a workshop focusing on UNSC Resolution 2417 – on hunger and conflict. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs intends to follow up on the resolution through programming on the nexus of humanitarian & development aid. The meeting provided an opportunity to harvest experiences from practice and hear what support practitioners need from each other and policymakers and donors. »

Nourishing the SDGs
September 20, 2018Knowledge activity
Nourishing the SDGs
Theme: Nutrition Security

Partnerships tackling SDG2 and other development goals need to make deep commitments that are broad and target multiple wins. The “Nourishing the SDGs” session organized by NWGN at the SDG conference delivered this recommendation and many more. The objectives of the session were to discuss lessons learned from innovative partnerships across the so-called “Dutch Diamond” to advance SDG2, as well as to identify synergies and trade-offs for progress in other development goals. »

Metrics and programming in Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
September 17, 2018Knowledge activity
Metrics and programming in Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
Theme: Nutrition Security

Nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions have the potential to improve diets if the process includes ongoing monitoring and if the targets for Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture (NSA) programmes are realistic and focused. This is one of the key take-aways of a workshop and an expert meeting organized by NWGN. A brochure summarizing the outcomes of both events is now available online. »

Datathon Stop Food Loss & Waste
July 25, 2018Knowledge activity
Datathon Stop Food Loss & Waste
Theme: Food Wastage

The power of new approaches and technologies, young minds and reaching outside the box of World Bank domain bubbles, was shown on May 19 and 20, 2018 during the Datathon Food Loss and Waste. The event was organized in Amsterdam at the premises of big data company Xomnia B.V., under the WBG-NL Partnership “Food for All”. »

Agribusiness-based advisory services (ABAS) project - report and workshop
July 9, 2018Knowledge activity
Agribusiness-based advisory services (ABAS) project – report and workshop
Theme: Inclusive Business

In many developing countries, agribusinesses are highly engaged in providing services to small-scale farmers, including agricultural advisory or extension services. Yet, the phenomenon of agribusiness-based advisory services (ABAS) has received little attention in the study of and discourse on advisory services. KIT, Agriterra, Moyee Coffee, and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform have therefore joined hands in a learning trajectory that studied advisory service delivery to small-scale farmers by agri-businesses. »

Report ARF-3 projects International workshop and public seminar in Addis Ababa
July 5, 2018Knowledge activity
Report ARF-3 projects International workshop and public seminar in Addis Ababa

The Third International Workshop of the Applied Research Fund (ARF) took place from February 13 till 16, 2018 in Addis Ababa. The focus of this workshop was to enhance research impact for Food and Nutrition Security by strengthening the competence of ARF project consortium members in the areas of theory of change development, impact pathways, knowledge co-creation, and research uptake. »