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Het Grote Agrodebat 2015
December 4, 2014Event
Het Grote Agrodebat 2015

De land- en tuinbouw is één van de motoren van de economie van Nederland. Wij zijn de wereldwijde nummer twee als het gaat om de export van agrarische producten. Buiten de Europese Unie is deze export echter gevoelig voor geopolitieke onrust met vaak onvoorspelbare effecten op de prijsvorming in Nederland. »

Vijverbergsession: 'Role of cooperations in improving market access in Africa' (in Dutch)
December 4, 2014Event
Vijverbergsession: ‘Role of cooperations in improving market access in Africa’ (in Dutch)

This session in the series on Family Farming is preparatory to the conference on Family Farming, which will be held in Utrecht on December 15, 2014. Core question of this conference is: how can African farmers be supported to become entrepreneurs? »

Vijverbergsession: 'From smallholders to entrepreneurs' (in Dutch)
December 3, 2014Event
Vijverbergsession: ‘From smallholders to entrepreneurs’ (in Dutch)

The theme of this session is research, information and education for the benefit of smallholder farmers: the session is chaired by Frans Verberne, director of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform. »

FAO e-mail conference: Tailoring rural advisory services to family farms
December 2, 2014Event
FAO e-mail conference: Tailoring rural advisory services to family farms

To continue and expand the dialogue to a global audience, FAO is now hosting an e-mail conference on “Tailoring rural advisory services to family farms” which will allow participants to share their knowledge, ideas and experiences on this topic. »

Cirad event on Family Farming
December 2, 2014Event
Cirad event on Family Farming

An opportunity to share views and reflect on agricultural research and global challenges: the international year of Family Farming – lessons learnt and post-2014 priorities. »

'Celebrating FARA' Event
November 24, 2014Event
‘Celebrating FARA’ Event

The celebrating FARA gaterhing takes pace November 26 to 28, 2014, and is tagged ‘Renewing, Repositioning and Refocusing FARA’, with as main theme: FARA – Delivering Africa’s Future Through Science-led Agricultural Transformation. »