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Effectiveness of networks in seed potato sector development
December 11, 2017Study
Effectiveness of networks in seed potato sector development

Radboud University conducted a pilot project with the main objective to understand the drivers of sustainable upscaling by modelling the impact of firm network characteristics and institutional conditions in value chain clusters. The F&BKP supported project was implemented in 2017 in the seed potato sector in Kenya and Ethiopia. »

Reflection on
December 8, 2017Expert opinion
Reflection on “Research & policy: two peas in a pod? A dialogue for food security impact”

A blog by the Governance and Inclusive Development group. Research & policy related to food security: can they be seen as two peas in a pod? Or are bridges between the ‘world of research’ and the ‘world of science’ still scarce and hard to build? The Food & Business Knowledge Platform and NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development organized a conference with the aim to improve the links between research and policy. »

Co-creating with research for sustainable development, a policy perspective
December 8, 2017Expert opinion
Co-creating with research for sustainable development, a policy perspective

Developing economies are facing major, complex challenges to eradicate poverty, ensure food security and promote economic growth. As global community, we need to increase efforts to deliver on our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Researchers work in consortia with policy makers and practitioners to jointly work on challenges. Together they develop and make knowledge and practices available, and help drive innovative solutions for development. »

True cost accounting, true pricing in food
December 7, 2017Knowledge activity
True cost accounting, true pricing in food

On October 10, 2017, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, in close co-operation with the Transition Coalition Food, hosted a seminar on True Cost Accounting and True Pricing in Food. The meeting report and presentations are now available in Dutch (presentation WERC, presentation Eosta and presentation The Sustainability Consortium). A growing number of companies formulate »

November 24, 2017News
Conference “Research & Policy: two peas in a pod? A dialogue for food security impact”

NWO-WOTRO and the F&BKP, in close cooperation with the Dutch Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs are organizing a conference”Research & Policy: two peas in a pod? A dialogue for food security impact”, on December 1, 2017 in The Hague, the Netherlands. Concept notes of the thematic session are now available in PDF. »

The economics of food safety in India – a rapid assessment
November 16, 2017Study
The economics of food safety in India – a rapid assessment

In the context of the World Bank – India dialogue, the challenge of food safety in India is analyzed. Experts on food safety from the International Livestock Institute (ILRI) and economists from Wageningen Economic Research have conducted a study providing a rough estimate of costs related to food safety, using existing data and tools and discussing the resulting implications and actions needed for a more accurate estimate. »