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New modes of joint action to enhance Dutch agrofood sector investments in Africa
June 14, 2018Knowledge activity
New modes of joint action to enhance Dutch agrofood sector investments in Africa

“Articulating demand is crucial” – “The biggest challenge for investors are trained and skilled people” – “Platforms of local and Dutch companies are crucial connectors of different worlds”. These were the main modes of joint action formulated during the workshop “Private sector coalitions to feed African Cities”, organized by the F&BKP during the foodFIRST conference on June 1, 2018 in Utrecht and as an activity under the umbrella of the “Innovation Network Feeding Cities”.  »

Changing food systems and the power of youth
June 13, 2018Knowledge activity
Changing food systems and the power of youth
Theme: Youth in agrofood systems

On May 22, 2018, a CoP meetup around youth in agribusiness and food systems was facilitated by AgriProFocus and F&BKP. The objective of the CoP is to share recent work on youth in food systems, provide feedback on each other’s work, identify knowledge questions and ideas for joint action, find innovative solutions for urgent issues, and to get to know other stakeholders working in this field as well as inspiration for collaboration. »

Food for All partnership - update May 2018
June 13, 2018Knowledge activity
Food for All partnership – update May 2018

In the framework of the WBG-Netherlands Food for All Partnership, Wijnand van IJssel – Senior Advisor Food Security at WBG Global Practice Agriculture – has been in the Netherlands from May 11 till June 5 to strengthen and operationalize the Partnership. He published a blog on the series of meetings and events he attended, including the Datathon Food Loss and Waste. »

Eten voor iedereen – of blijven de armste boeren buiten beeld?
June 7, 2018Expert opinion
Eten voor iedereen – of blijven de armste boeren buiten beeld?

Het Nederlandse ontwikkelingsbeleid sluit zich aan bij SDG 2: in 2030 moet alle honger en ondervoeding de wereld uit. Tegelijkertijd wil Nederland dat de landbouwprojecten in voedselonzekere gebieden ons geld opleveren. Door deze instelling lijkt juist de meest kwetsbare groep boeren te worden vergeten. Gaten in het beleid Sinds 2011 is voedselzekerheid een speerpunt van »

Voedselzekerheid vereist een systeemaanpak
June 4, 2018Expert opinion
Voedselzekerheid vereist een systeemaanpak

Tijdens de expert discussie vorige week 31 mei aan de Wageningen Universiteit, georganiseerd door het Food & Business Knowledge Platform, kwam een duidelijk geluid naar voren: met het verhogen van voedselproductie bereiken we slechts ten dele een situatie van voedselzekerheid. Om voedselzekerheid te verbeteren is een systeemaanpak nodig met aandacht voor de behoefte van de »

How to make agricultural programmes work for nutrition
May 31, 2018Knowledge activity
How to make agricultural programmes work for nutrition
Theme: Nutrition Security

“Nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions have due potential to improve diets.” This is one of the takeaways from a recent expert meeting on how to make agricultural programs work for nutrition, and which approaches to use to measure progress. The preliminary findings of the meeting, which took place in The Hague on May 17 and was organized by the Netherlands Working Group on international Nutrition (NWGN) in collaboration with the F&BKP, are now available. »