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NLandscape: connecting partners operating in the area of landscapes
November 19, 2018News
NLandscape: connecting partners operating in the area of landscapes

In order to realize the potential of Dutch landscape knowledge, and get the integrated landscape approach to a higher level of policy uptake and implementation, NLandscape, the Dutch knowledge platform on landscape approaches, was established in October 2017. A year later, NLandscape reflects on what has been achieved so far and expresses its future ambitions. The F&BKP funded and supported learning activities and as such contributed to the further development of NLandscape as a platform.   »

Launch EU Policy brief
November 14, 2018Knowledge activity
Launch EU Policy brief “Programming Research and Innovation for Improved Impact”

Multi-actor research with ex-ante assessment, which is beginning to be applied in EU programmes, can foster development impact when conducted within a right enabling environment. This was concluded by the SCAR Strategic European Working Groups ARCH, AKIS & SCAR Food Systems on October 31, 2018 at a joint launch of the Policy Brief in Brussels. »

European driven Food System effects on people, economies and environments in LMICs
November 12, 2018Knowledge activity
European driven Food System effects on people, economies and environments in LMICs

By assessing economic, ecological and social effects of the European role in food systems in Low and Middle Income countries, EU interventions can be improved for better impact on the SDGs, yet this demands very new ways of multi-actor cooperation. This was concluded during the round table discussion in Brussels on October 31 with high level experts from EC DGs Agri, Research and Development and various European universities. »

Apply now for new YEP positions
November 6, 2018News
Apply now for new YEP positions

Young Expert Programmes (YEP) is looking for Dutch candidates for no less than 11 different YEP positions. Main goal of YEP, consisting of YEP Agrofood and YEP Water, is to offer young professionals the opportunity to kickstart their international career and become part of the YEP Global Network.  The current vacancies offer positions in Burundi, Ethiopia, Malawi, Kenya, Myanmar, Ghana or Bangladesh. Application for the new YEP positions is open until November 18, 2018. »

PPP and Research Uptake expert call reopend for proposals
October 26, 2018News
PPP and Research Uptake expert call reopend for proposals

The call for proposals for a PPP and Research Uptake expert, within the NL–CGIAR partnership, has been reopened with an adjustment concerning the engagement of the candidate: the minimum size is now set at 60 per cent, though still with a preference for a fulltime engagement. The new deadline to submit a proposal is November 7, 2018. »

Lunch Seminar: Agricultural intensification in the Sahel
October 25, 2018Knowledge activity
Lunch Seminar: Agricultural intensification in the Sahel

Agroforestry is a low cost foundational practice to increase agricultural productivity and set the stage for further intensification. If used in combination with water harvesting, organic manure and micro-doses of good quality fertilizer yields in drylands can increase greatly. This was a key message of Chris Reij, Senior Fellow Global Restoration Initiative at the World Resources Institute, who gave a presentation during a lunch seminar organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. »