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Rural revitalization and sustainable diets
July 16, 2019Knowledge activity
Rural revitalization and sustainable diets

How do two reports with a different emphasis on the relation between nutrition and agriculture challenge our daily practices and current policies? This was the central question put forward during an event organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 4, 2019. Both the IFPRI’s Global Food Policy Report 2019 and EAT-Lancet’s 2019 Commission were presented, followed by an interactive panel discussion with a multi-stakeholder audience. »

Dutch National Research Agenda - Transition to a sustainable food system
July 15, 2019News
Dutch National Research Agenda – Transition to a sustainable food system

The Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) programme makes budget available to investigate this question by a broad transdisciplinary consortium. All parties interested in a transition of the food system can submit a motivation form. »

Scaling opportunities workshop for Ugandan Applied Research Fund projects
July 11, 2019Knowledge activity
Scaling opportunities workshop for Ugandan Applied Research Fund projects

Representatives of eight Ugandan Applied Research Fund projects gathered for a country workshop in Kampala on June 18-20, 2019. Since most of the projects are finalized, it was time to take stock of the insights and outcomes, jointly reflect, learn and work on further uptake of results. The main theme was the issue of scaling innovations from food and agricultural research and how this can be enabled in Ugandan policy and practice. »

How to tackle the challenges for seed system changes?
June 28, 2019Knowledge activity
How to tackle the challenges for seed system changes?

Farmers (f/m) in Ethiopia and in other low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) often have difficulty getting the improved seeds they need to raise the productivity of their crops or livestock, the climate resilience and the profitability of their business. These seeds may be available in public research institutes or with private breeders, but do not reach the farmers. This was the topic of a high-level multi-stakeholder workshop in the context of the NL-CGIAR Strategic Partnership, which generated lots of insights and new ideas for collaboration. »

Do the costs of the global food system outweigh its monetary value?
June 28, 2019Expert opinion
Do the costs of the global food system outweigh its monetary value?
Theme: Food Systems Approach

Food is essential for all living organisms to survive and flourish, but for human beings, food transcends biological needs and has long been an integral part of social life and culture. Over the past century, the food system has done very well in producing enough food to outpace population growth – reducing the real price of food to make it more accessible to the poor and drive down global hunger and poverty.  While the remaining pockets of hunger require continued attention, the global food system is rapidly transforming, including in the less developed regions of Africa, Asia and parts of Latin America. »

Scaling climate-smart agriculture in East Africa: A role for all stakeholders taking into account contexts and needs
June 27, 2019Knowledge activity
Scaling climate-smart agriculture in East Africa: A role for all stakeholders taking into account contexts and needs

For food systems and agricultural livelihoods in Eastern Africa to truly be climate-resilient and low in emissions, climate-smart agriculture policies, practices and perspectives must be scaled. To move this forward, CCAFS in East Africa, NWO-WOTRO, F&BKP and AgriProFocus Ethiopia hosted a public dialogue, on June 13 in Addis Ababa at the International Livestock Research Institute Campus. »