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June 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
SME Internationalization through global value chains and free trade agreements: Malaysian evidence

This paper (PDF) by the Asian Development Bank Institute examines the characteristics of SMEs in in global value chains (GVCs) and free trade agreements (FTAs) and explores the policy implications. It finds that among SMEs, firm size matters for participation in GVCs and FTAs. But size is not the whole story for SME internationalization. Licensing »

June 4, 2015Knowledge Portal
Towards an integrated market for seeds and fertilizers in west Africa

This World Bank Group (WBG) working paper (PDF), explores the development of integrated regional markets and agricultural input supply chains for farmers in West Africa. The paper is a result of consultations with seed, fertilizer, and regional trade experts in the region. The working paper offers recommendations to build on the progress of West African governments that have worked on the development of trade rules and quality control methods. »

June 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Agriculture and rural development for inclusive growth and food security in Morocco

This working paper (PDF) from Brookings Institution states that the objective of inclusive growth is linked to that of food and nutrition security. The Government of Morocco is implementing a rural development strategy with two pillars: the first pillar focuses on large modern farms, and the second pillar focuses on smallholder and family farming. The author argues that the twin goals of inclusive growth and food security would be best achieved by emphasizing the importance of the second pillar. »

May 19, 2015Knowledge Portal
Supporting women’s agro-enterprises in Africa with ICT: a feasibility study in Zambia and Kenya

This publication (PDF) by the World Bank views ICTs as potentially transformative technology for rural development. The paper examines how ICT-based interventions might be designed to strengthen women’s participation in commodity value chains under the two projects. »

May 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
Financing Sustainable Development: Implementing the SDGs through Effective Investment Strategies and Partnerships.

This working paper (PDF) by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN) provides a roadmap for the Financing for Sustainable Development discussions in the lead-up to the Addis Conference. The paper focuses on a broad array of issues and examines some of the key questions involved in designing new institutions to handle the long-term, complex investments needed for key sustainable development priorities. Chapter 5.3 covers Sustainable agriculture, food systems, and improved nutrition. »

May 13, 2015Knowledge Portal
Adaptation actions in Africa: evidence that gender matters

This paper (PDF) by CGIAR presents the initial data analyses of the CCAFS gender survey implemented in four sites in Africa. It highlights some key gender-related findings regarding climate change perceptions, adaptation strategies of climate smart agricultural (CSA) practices and information needs across sites in Africa. Important findings include that both men and women are »