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Working paper

October 17, 2016Knowledge Portal
Evidence-based opportunities for out-scaling climate-smart agriculture in East Africa

This working paper by CGIAR contains a systematic review of 175 peer-reviewed and grey literature studies, to gauge the impact of over seventy potential climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices on CSA outcomes in Tanzania and Uganda. Climate-smart agriculture is being widely promoted as a solution for food insecurity and climate change adaptation in food systems of sub-Saharan Africa, while simultaneously reducing the rate of greenhouse gas emissions. »

October 12, 2016Knowledge Portal
Inclusive agribusiness: The state of play background working paper

This working paper has been prepared as background for the inclusive agribusiness work stream of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD). The paper outlines the concept of inclusive business and its application to the agrifood sector, it maps the current state of play and explores implications for donors and the GDPRD. The paper also highlights a weak and fragmented evidence base regarding impact, which risks undermining the case for the much needed investment to take promising example to scale. »

September 30, 2016Knowledge Portal
Review of agri-food value chain interventions aimed at enhancing consumption of nutritious food by the poor

Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) published a papersdesk review and analysis on India and Pakistan that serve as a guide to an understanding of the agri-food value chain landscape in these countries. The working papers will serve as a guide to understand how agriculture can play a more effective role in improving nutrition in countries with a high burden of hidden hunger and where an increasing proportion of the poor sources its food from the market. »

September 26, 2016Knowledge Portal
Land sharing vs land sparing to conserve biodiversity: How agricultural markets make the difference

This article, published in the Environmental Modeling & Assessment journal, models the supply and demand for agricultural goods and assess and compares how welfare, land use, and biodiversity are affected under intensive and extensive farming systems at market equilibrium instead of at exogenous production levels. »

September 13, 2016Knowledge Portal
Market-based solutions for input supply: making inputs accessible for smallholder farmers in Africa

This paper by the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) gives best practises in exploring market-based solutions for improved input supply. The lessons out of this paper can help donors and policy makers increase the impact of their input support programs. To define these lessons, practitioners managing input-related projects from SNV and KIT, came together at a workshop in Johannesburg in December 2014. »

September 9, 2016Knowledge Portal
National survey and segmentation of smallholder households in Tanzania

This working paper by CGAP examines how smallholder families manage their income and expenses and the issues they face that often lead to financial instability. CGAP conducted a nationally representative survey of smallholder households in Tanzania between August and September 2015. The report shares the findings, observations, and insights from the national survey. »