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May 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Nutritious Food Foresight: Twelve ways to invest in good food for emerging markets

This study identified innovation opportunities that have the potential to increase access to safe and nutritious foods in emerging markets in the next five years. The 12 innovations are distinguished by 4 priorities: 1) Start with sustainable, nutritious foods; 2) Invest in proximale processing; 3) Tackle traceability for safety and transparency and; 4) Keep it cool (cold storage options). Together, they would promote increased access to safe, nutritious foods that are available to consumers for longer periods of time. »

May 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Redefining finance for agriculture: Green agricultural credit for smallholders in Peru

This report helps identify gaps and opportunities to support and scale up green agriculture, smallholder agriculture and financial inclusion. Farmers agree that the financial sector could be a critical enabler of the shift to sustainable agriculture if provided credit that responded to the needs of farmers. The financial institutions were interested in using credit as a tool to incentivise sustainable agriculture. »

May 9, 2019Knowledge Portal
Cultivating stability: Agriculture systems, conflict & resilience

This publication aims to provide ways to ensure that agricultural systems continue to function throughout violent conflict, recover more quickly and minimize the risks of fueling further conflicts so that the people within the systems maintain food security and economic gains. The “freedom of movement” can be used as a proxy indicator to determine which intervention can apply. »

May 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food systems for an urbanizing world

This report examines available evidence and innovative initiatives as the basis for proposing a conceptial framework and the broad parameters and priorities for efforts to improve urban food systems. »

April 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Innovative finance opportunities for inclusive agribusiness: Understanding the emerging opportunities

This report describes in depth 8 different financing instruments with specific example cases of its application to inclusive agribusiness. Agribusiness have a huge business opportunity and a chance to contribute to the SDGs. Financing opportunities for inclusive agribusiness are growing. »

April 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food traceability in the domestic horticulture sector in Kenya: An overview

This study aimed to review the available tracebility systems and identify the best options for the domestic horticulture suppy chain in Kenya with the goal to provide food safety and quality assurance. raceability systems help deliver tailored goods and services to the consumers and are an evidence of value, especially in terms of quality and safety of the product. »