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January 15, 2019Knowledge Portal
The recipe for success: How policy-makers can integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into actions to end malnutrition

This report aims to provide a toolkit to stimulate debate and discussion of the options and opportunities to bring together water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and nutrition policies and programmes. National governments and donors, and both nutrition and WASH actors need to shift mindsets; develop ambitious policies and plans; create effective coordination mechanisms and flexible funding; and share lessons and experiences globally. »

January 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Drones on the horizon: Transforming Africa’s agriculture

This report provides a contextualized review of drones as a vital precision agriculture-enabling technology and its range of relevant uses for providing detailed and on-demand data in order to enhance decision-making by farmers and hence facilitate much needed support. The report considers drone technology for precision agriculture as a potential game-changer for the African continent. »

December 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Getting ahead and getting by: Exploring outcomes of youth livelihoods programs

This report examines factors that influence young people’s earning opportunities and well-being. The research is based on the experiences of 130 young people participating in two programs supported by Learn, Earn and Save (LES), a Mastercard Foundation initiative that was established to test models for market-level training and opportunities. The report looks at youth’s post-program earning pathways by grouping them into two categories: ‘getting by’ and ‘getting ahead’. »

November 29, 2018Knowledge Portal
Global Nutrition Report 2018: Shining a light to spur action on nutrition

The yearly Global Nutrition Report casts a light on where there has been progress on nutrition and identifies where major problems still lie, and thus where actions are needed to consolidate progress and fill major gaps. Most countries are off-track and none are making progress on the full suite of nutrition targets for 2025. There is still a financial gap which and it is an outstanding challenge to cost, fund and implement the nutrition targets. »

November 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Scaling up climate-smart agriculture through the Africa Climate Business Plan

This report assesses the policy framework for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) implementation and progress in CSA technology adoption for Africa under the Africa Climate Business Plan (ACBP). African countries scored low on the CSA Policy Indicators. Countries adopted a range of context-specific climate-smart technologies and practices to meet their climate change and food security goals. »

November 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Index-based livestock insurance as an innovative tool against drought loss: Good practices and impact analysis from northern Kenya

This report summarises findings on index-based livestock insurance (IBLI), a donor-funded programme aimed at designing, developing and implementing market-mediated, index-based insurance products to protect livestock keepers, particularly in the drought-prone arid and semi-arid lands. As a drought safety net, IBLI was fairly effective at protecting beneficiary households in northern Kenya against the worst effects of drought. »