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February 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Mechanized: Transforming Africa’s agriculture value chains

This report summarizes findings of a systematic analysis of what countries at the forefront of progress in mechanization have done right. Targeted efforts and interventions are needed to promote mechanization in each segment of the value chain and at scale. This leverages the potential of agriculture to drive growth and employment, particularly in rural economies. »

February 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Status of patenting plants in the Global South: Position paper and research report

This report, comprising a position paper and research report, aims to contribute to awareness and understanding of the current status of patenting of plants in developing countries and emerging economies, to inform societal discussion and decision-making. The presence of a patented component in a plant may create a barrier for further research and breeding, as well as prevent farmers from saving and re-using seeds that incorporate that component. »

February 18, 2019
Cost and benefit analysis for climate-smart soil practices in Western Kenya

The study aimed to assess costs and benefits of selected climate-smart soil (CSS) practices as a step toward understanding whether they are beneficial or not – both from private and social points of view – for farmers. The results indicate implementing CSS practices yield positive outcomes. However, expected the cost of implementation and maintenance varies by practices. »

February 5, 2019Knowledge Portal
Global implications of the European food system: A food systems approach

This report enhances the knowledge on the global implications of the EU food system. How trade relations of the EU with LMIC may evolve in the future, depends on major trends in consumption and production in the EU. »

January 21, 2019Knowledge Portal
Land governance and inclusive business in agriculture: Advancing the debate

This report reviews the state of the global debate on inclusiveness in agricultural investments and analyses what ‘inclusiveness’ means to different value chain actors. A cross-cutting approach that looks at the key features of value chain relationships enables the evaluation of inclusiveness within each business, and allows for more nuanced recommendations on how to enhance inclusiveness. »

January 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Shaping the future of global food systems: A scenarios analysis

This report presents four scenarios for the future of global food systems. These possible futures of global food systems broaden perspectives about alternative future environments. The report aims to challenge global leaders to think in new ways about the future and to motivate action on key issues that will shape the global food systems. The key question is: How will food systems nutritiously and sustainable feed 8.5 billion people in 2030? »