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March 6, 2019Knowledge Portal
Crop receipts: A new financing instrument for Africa

This study aims to enhance knowledge about Crop Receipts (CRs) and provide guidance to stakeholders engaged in agricultural finance in Africa on how CRs might be adapted for and introduced in Africa. A CR is a bond issued by a farmer or farmer organization to deliver a certain amount of farm produce (crop or livestock) or the cash equivalent thereof at a future date. »

March 5, 2019Knowledge Portal
The state of the world’s biodiversity for food and agriculture

This report provides an assessment of biodiversity for food and agriculture (BFA) and its management worldwide. BFA is the subset of biodiversity that contributes in one way or another to agriculture and food production. BFA is indispensable to food security. The sustainable use and conservation for BFA call for approaches in which genetic resources, species and ecosystems are managed in an integrated way in the context of production systems and their surroundings. »

March 4, 2019Knowledge Portal
Access to Seeds Index 2019: Eastern and Southern Africa

This Access to Seeds Index evaluates the performance of the seed industry in taking the lead in reaching smallholder farmers in Eastern and Southern Africa. The index reveals that companies are present in all index countries and investing in local seed sector development, but need more step up efforts to reach more smallholders. East African Seed tops the 2019 Access to Seeds Index for Eastern and Southern Africa. »

February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
Income variability, evolving diets and demand for processed foods in Nigeria

This report presents evidence on evolving dietary patterns in Nigeria. Research revealed a complex and nuanced picture of consumer demand for processed foods. Consumption of highly processed foods at home has been decreasing over time in Nigeria. Furthermore, though consumption of food eaten away from home has increased, much about that food is unknown. »

February 27, 2019Knowledge Portal
Opportunities for strengthening gender and social equity in Ethiopia’s wheat sector

This report outlines how an insufficient focus on the barriers women face continues to have a significant impact on the agricultural productivity, economic growth and food security in Ethiopia. Many government and project partners do not know how to assist with the social and gender norm changes necessary to ensure women can benefit from development equitably. »

February 27, 2019Knowledge Portal
Assessing competitiveness of smallholder pig farming in the changing landscape of Northwest Vietnam

This research aims at identifying major constraints and opportunities in the improved integration of pig and maize production, to improve smallholder income, while making the system more environmentally sustainable by investigating more diverse and profitable crop rotations, as well as improvements to soil fertility through cycling of nutrients and organic matter. The study results highlight difficulties faced by smallholders in these communes with regard to accessing inputs and services as well as more profitable markets for their pig products. »