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March 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Prioritising climate-smart agricultural interventions at different scales

This special of Agricultural Systems focuses on prioritising climate-smart agricultural (CSA) interventions at different scales. Currently, there are few tools that can comprehensively evaluate the range of potential technologies and practices and their possible impacts on food production, environmental sustainability, and mitigation in any context. Therefore, what remains is the prioritization of interventions for investment and broad dissemination. This special issue brings together nine papers describing a wide range of approaches and tools. »

January 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Farming Matters: Listening to Pastoralists

This issue of Farming Matters by ILEIA explores the different ways pastoral societies are joining forces to challenge the policies that undermine their culture and way of life. For millennia, pastoralist societies have managed the rangelands of the world’s most challenging environments, producing food and providing ecosystem services for millions of households. The experiences, opinions and perspectives presented in this issue highlight the importance of pastoral societies for agroecology and the transformation of entire food systems. »

May 26, 2016Knowledge Portal
Nutrition-sensitive agriculture

This issue of Rural21 shows how closely agriculture, nutrition and health are linked and takes a look at the various entry-points for improving nutrition through agriculture: from the choice of adequate seed systems and breeding programmes through agricultural policy interventions to promoting market access, production diversification and better functioning value chains to capacity building, nutrition education and gender equality. The issue also contains an article on the SUN movement and the importance of pulses. »

January 14, 2016Knowledge Portal
Right to Food Journal: Supporting the struggle for the Human Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition

This journal elaborates on the increasing influence of transnational corporation over policy-making and its impact on the realization of the human right to food and nutrition. It was published on the occasion of Human Rights Day and features political and legal analyses of corporate influencing and stories from the ground. »

May 11, 2015Knowledge Portal
Right to Food Journal 2014

The FIAN Right to Food Journal is an annual online magazine which provides experts with information and analysis on the right to food and on important trends concerning economic, social and cultural rights. This 2014 edition (PDF) highlights the advantages of working with the broadened concept of the human right to adequate food and nutrition. »