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April 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Creating mutual benefits: examples of gender and biodiversity outcomes in horticultural activities

This series of fact sheets features Bioversity International case studies with local NGOs and partners. These case studies illustrate successful outcomes in gender and biodiversity through the use of gender-specific research methods. Three of these factsheets take place in forest and agroforestry landscapes and have interesting lessons for horticultural activities. »

April 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Community seedbanking to improve the resilience of farmers: the case of Kiziba seedbank in Uganda

This factsheet discusses the Kiziba seedbank in Uganda, established in June 2010. The seedbank was part of a project to improve the productivity and resilience of seeds for farmers through enhanced use of crop varietal diversity, focusing on common bean and banana. The project aimed to fill the gap in seed diversity and good seed quality. The project built on the intraspecific diversity that was available on farm to reduce the pressure of pests and diseases, and on farmers’ knowledge to develop new low-cost and sustainable methods and management practices to increase diversity. »

March 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Implementing a national community seedbank strategy for South Africa

This factsheet describes two case studies of the community seedbank strategy in South Africa. The aim of this community seedbank strategy was to support smallholder communities to revive and improve their traditional seed-saving practices for the sake of food security and sustainable agriculture and conservation of the county’s agricultural biodiversity. It also emphasizes the importance of women farmers as active custodians of agricultural biodiversity, which can be seen in particular in the Gumbu case study, where women farmers show active interest and participation in the project. »

December 30, 2016Knowledge Portal
Agriculture initiatives and COP22

This factsheet by Nordic Co-opearation takes stock of key regional and global initiatives related to agriculture and climate change, which have been launched in the period from 2005 to 2016. It identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats across these, as well as highlighting success factors. Many countries across the region face similar challenges for agricultural adaptation and mitigation, and sharing best practices, on policies as well as on projects on the ground, can help increase success rates and cut cost. »

July 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Adressing women’s work burden: Key issues, promising solutions, and way forward

This factsheet discusses women’s triple work burden in the household, as producers and at community level. The competing demands linked to this triple role make women time poor. This affects their quality of life and decision making, puts their health at risk and prevents them from taking full advantage of economic opportunities through engagement in income generating activities. »

May 2, 2016Knowledge Portal
How can we develop value chain programs that address climate risks?

This info note provides guidance for the design and development of climate-smart value chains. It provides lessons learned from the learning event on 25 February 2016 in Rome, held by IFAD and the CCAFS-CIGAR. Through a simple five step process, it provides a range of tools and resources that are available to supportthe development of climate-smart value chains in different stages. The key conclusion of the learning event is that building incountry capacity to use relevant tools for real decisions is even more important than building the tools. »