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June 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
Responding to crop failure: Understanding farmers’ coping strategies in Southern Malawi

This article in the Sustainability Journal examines farmers’ coping strategies for crop failure and the determinants of their choices using household level data from rural southern Malawi. The results of the study highlight that farmers are not responding directly to climate variability, but to crop failure, which is influenced by climate stress, as well as »

June 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Dairy intensification, mothers and children: an exploration of infant and young child feeding practices among rural dairy farmers in Kenya

This article elaborates on the impacts of dairy intensification to human nutrition and household food security. While dairy intensification could improve human nutrition and food security due to higher incomes for the farmers, it could as have negative impacts. This is related to the increasing workload of mothers which could have negative effects on infant and young child feeding (IYCF), since mothers could experience more stress, have less time for feeding and have specific beliefs about the timing and appropriate types of complementary foods. »

May 27, 2015Knowledge Portal
Urbanization and linkages to smallholder farming in sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for food security

The article in the Global Food Security Journal reviews evidence on African urbanization trends and consequences of these for the smallholder sector and rural food security. The author highlights that urban growth is less rapid than often assumed and consumption rather than production driven, while liberalized trade regimes have globalized food systems. »

May 19, 2015Knowledge Portal
Indicators of global sustainable sourcing as a set covering problem: an integrated approach to sustainability.

This paper in the Ecosystem Health and Sustainability Journal, presents a new method to systematically link issues and indicators under two conceptual frameworks of sustainability in order to enable quantitative analyses. The authors demonstrate this approach with a specific use case focused on the global sourcing of agricultural products. »

May 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
Drought and food security – improving decision-support via new technologies and innovative collaboration

This article in Global Food Security focusses on improved decision-support for agricultural droughts that threaten the livelihoods of people living in vulnerable regions. The authors claim that new strategic partnerships are required to link scientific findings to actual user requirements of governments and aid organizations and to turn data streams into useful information for decision-support. Furthermore, they list several »

May 13, 2015Knowledge Portal
Increasing homogeneity in global food supplies and the implications for food security

This article (PDF) in PNAS by a group of researchers provides evidence of change in the relative importance of different crop plants in national food supplies worldwide over the past 50 years. Trends in the richness, abundance, and composition of crop species in national food supplies worldwide were assessed. The study shows that over the »