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December 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Food waste for livestock feeding: Feasibility, safety, and sustainability implications

This article discusses the feasibility, safety and sustainability implications of using food waste as feed for livestock. Food waste is a matter intrinsically linked with the growing challenges of food security, resource and environmental sustainability, and climate change. »

December 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Why promote improved fallows as a climate-smart agroforestry technology in Sub-Saharan Africa?

This review provides an overview of how improved fallows (an agroforestry technology consisting of planting mainly legume tree/shrub species in rotation with cultivated crops) may achieve the goals of climate-smart agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa.  »

December 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
How does institutional embeddedness shape innovation platforms? A diagnostic study of three districts in the Upper West Region of Ghana

This article examines the factors that enhance and constrain innovation platforms’ functionality by applying the concept of institutional embeddedness. Innovation platforms have emerged as a way of enhancing the resilience of agricultural and food systems in the face of environmental change. »

December 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
Food (in)security in rapidly urbanising, low-income contexts

This article describes how, for the urban poor in low and middle-income countries, food affordability and utilization are shaped by the income and non-income dimensions of poverty that include the urban space. Urbanization in low and middle-income nations presents both opportunities and immense challenges. There is limited knowledge of how these challenges affect the ways in which poor urban residents gain access to food and secure healthy and nutritious diets. »

December 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Adapting Gambian women livestock farmers’ roles in food production to climate change

This article focuses on key climate change adaptation issues confronting women livestock farmers. Women livestock farmers are very productive and contribute greatly towards ensuring food security of their nations. However, their efforts are sometimes limited by climate-related hazards. »

December 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Value chain innovations for technology transfer in developing and emerging economies: Conceptual issues, typology, and policy implications

This article addresses the question how value chain organization and innovations can have an important impact on modern technology adoption. The adoption of modern technologies in agriculture is crucial for improving productivity of poor farmers and poverty reduction. »