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Academic article

June 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Measuring nutritional quality of agricultural production systems: Application to fish production

This article reviews indicators which capture an element of nutritional quality applicable to different stages of the food and nutrition system, applying them to aquaculture systems. Reorienting food systems towards improving nutrition outcomes is vital to achieve the global goal of ending all forms of malnutrition. »

June 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Factors influencing the adoption of new technologies in agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review of the literature

This review article is on factors that influence the adoption of new technologies in agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa has not benefited sufficiently from the great revolutions in the agricultural world that have made it possible to increase productivity. »

June 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
On developing a scale to measure chronic household seed insecurity in semi-arid Kenya and the implications for food security policy

This study analyzes household and farm-level characteristics that may predict chronic seed insecurity in semi-arid eastern Kenya. Results suggest that mild chronic seed insecurity continues to be a problem in most households, hampering their ability to produce food. »

June 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
The role of crop diversification in improving household food security in central Malawi

This paper investigates the influence of crop diversification and other household socioeconomic characteristics on improving household food security in central Malawi. Results show that higher crop diversification intensities are more likely to have a diverse diet. »

May 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Livelihood and climate trade-offs in Kenyan peri-urban vegetable production

This study investigates productivity and economic and climate trade-offs in soil fertility management strategies in smallholder African indigenous vegetable production in Kenya. Soil fertility management strategies that mix inorganic and organic source present a pathway to sustainable intensification in AIV production. »

May 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Diversification and intensification of agricultural adaptation from global to local scales

This article examines two dimensions wherein smallholder farmers may adapt agricultural practices; through intensification or diversification. Aspects of adaptive intensification include access to information and human capital. In contrast, there are few global drivers of adaptive diversification, »