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February 26, 2019Knowledge Portal
African indigenous vegetable seed systems in Western Kenya

This study collected seed samples and survey data from 127 farmers in western Kenya on their African indigenous vegetable (AIV) seed production practices, uses of AIV seed, and motivations for growing seed. This study speaks to the importance of using localized information to develop programs for improving informal seed systems and continuing to employ gender-sensitive and transformative activities. »

February 15, 2019Knowledge Portal
Transforming pasotralist mobility in West Darfur: Understanding continuity and change

This study examines how livestock keepers in Darfur Region of Sudan cope with and manage extreme climate variability, and potential insecurity and conflict, and how this coping differs according to systems of livestock production and mobility patterns. All livestock keepers identified insecurity as their predominant concern. Restricted patterns of mobility are a preventive response strategy to counter security risks. »

February 15, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food and nutrient gaps in rural Northern Ghana: Does production of smallholder farming households support adoption of food-based dietary guidelines?

This study developed local food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) and studied whether these are supported by the diversity and quantity of the production of a household. Results imply that even when the FBDGs are fully adopted the requirements for several nutrients will not be met. In addition, the nutrient needs and food needs of a household were only marginally covered by their own food production. »

February 14, 2019Knowledge Portal
Can governments promote homestead gardening at scale? Evidence from Ethiopia

This study analyzes a large and novel survey on the adoption of a nationwide homestead garden (HG) program implemented by the Ethiopian government. Results show that adaption of HGs in water-scarce communities is low (<12%) suggesting water access is the main barrier to HG adoption. In more water-abundant communities, better market access encourages HG adoption; so too does greater public promotion of HGs. »

February 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food in the anthropocene: The EAT-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems

In this article the EAT-Lancet Commission developed global scientific targets based on the best evidence available for healthy diets and sustainable food production. A universal healthy reference diet was developed to provide a basis for estimating the health and environmental effects of adopting an alternative diet. Scientific targets for the safe operating space of food systems were established for six key Earth system processes. An opportunity exists to integrate food systems into international, national, and business policy frameworks aiming for improved human health and environmental sustainability. »

January 21, 2019Knowledge Portal
Review: Role of herbivores in sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper reviews the state of knowledge of the role of herbivores in sustainable intensification of key farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. In SSA, the integration of livestock into farming systems is important for sustainable agriculture as the recycling of nutrients for crop production through returns of animal manure is a central element of the dominant mixed crop-livestock systems. The pathways to sustainable agriculture in SSA include intensification of production and livelihood diversification. »