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March 22, 2019Knowledge Portal
Vegetable farming and farmers’ livelihood: Insights from Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

This study investigated whether vegetable farming contributes significantly to the livelihood of farmers by generating cash and providing employment opportunities. The model results indicate a significant positive relationship between vegetable farming and livelihood improvement. »

March 22, 2019Knowledge Portal
Supporting sustainable expansion of livestock production in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa: Scenario analysis of investment options

This study used a scenario analysis to explore what targeted investments to the livestock sector could help enhance food security in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The results show that boosting livestock productivity primarily in these two regions could improve food security and producer incomes while limiting greenhouse gas emissions and agricultural water usage. »

March 21, 2019Knowledge Portal
Gender and agricultural innovation in Oromia region, Ethiopia: From innovator to tempered radical

This article examined whether the concept of tempered radicals, developed originally to interrogate change processes in organizations, has validity in rural agricultural settings. Whilst both women and men innovators face considerable challenges, women, in particular, are precariously located ‘outsiders within,’ negotiating carefully between norm and sanction. »

March 19, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food resources and strategic conflict

This study aims to develop an explanation for how the competition over food resources conditions the strategic behaviors of three actors: rebels, civilian producers who grow crops, and state forces. Findings suggest that the imperative for food denial as a microlevel tactic in civil war should be more seriously incorporated into the work of scholars and policy makers. »

March 13, 2019Knowledge Portal
Systematic review of use and interpretation of dietary diversity indicators in nutrition-sensitive agriculture literature

This article assesss to what extent and how studies used and interpreted common metrics of dietary diversity, which would improve comparability across studies to produce global evidence of the impact of agriculture on nutrition and food security. Most studies based on individual level FGIs were consistent with published guidance, while many of the studies measuring households’ dietary diversity were not, particularly in terms of interpretation of the indicators or of food group classification. »

March 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
We’re ready, the system’s not: Youth perspectives on agricultural careers in South Africa

This research was undertaken to better understand the paradox of young people turning away from agricultural employment in spite of such high levels of unemployment in the country. From a youth perspective, the results suggest that the interests and expectations of youth are more than sufficient to warrant substantial investment into engaging them as active co-creators in the re-design of the food system. However, these positive aspirations tended to be at odds with the kinds of jobs created by an increasingly corporatised food regime, »