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Sub-Saharan Africa

December 3, 2018Knowledge Portal
An egg for everyone: Pathways to universal access to one of nature’s most nutritious foods

This article collates country‐level data on egg production, availability, consumption, prices, industry structure, and contextual trends and use these to estimate current patterns and likely future outcomes under four alternative scenarios. The accelerated spread of large-scale intensive production is needed to meet the needs or urban populations. »

September 3, 2018Knowledge Portal
Building a resilient and sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

This book is a collection of papers related to a better understanding of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and to the best policy options for enhancing its resilience and sustainability. It offers technical analyses, policy recommendations and an overview of success stories for agricultural sustainability. »

August 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
How big is the potato yield gap in Sub-Saharan Africa and why? A participatory approach

This study is an attempt to develop an innovation consultation approach for yield gap assessment in sub-Saharan Africa, based on syngergies between modelling techniques and historical non-published data of potato experiments. Poor quality seed and bacterial wilt were the main yield gap drivers. »

July 28, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agricultural input subsidies for improving productivity, farm income, consumer welfare and wider growth in low- and lower-middle-income countries

This systematic review evaluates the impact of input subsidies on agricultural productivity, beneficiary incomes and welfare, consumer welfare and wider economic growth. Results show that subsidized fertilizers and seeds are associated with increased use of these inputs, higher agricultural yields and increased income. »

July 24, 2018Knowledge Portal
Socio-economic, marketing and gender aspects of village chicken production in the tropics: A review of literature

This literature review focusses on the socio-economic, gender and marketing aspects of chicken production in the tropics. Chicken production is the main stay of livelihoods of most rural households in developing countries. Large number of women in the household are actively engaged in chicken production. »

July 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
Identifying options for the development of sustainable seed systems: Insights from Kenya and Mali

This working paper aims to propose an agenda for supporting sustainable development of seed systems in two sub-Saharan countries, Kenya and Mali, based on the experiences and insight of seed system actors who contribute to various functions and operate at different scales. »