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Sub-Saharan Africa

February 27, 2020Knowledge Portal
Financial services for women: The maize and bean value chains in Rwanda

This report analyses the position of women in the maize and bean value chains in Rwanda, as well as the current and potential role of financial service providers (FSPs) in strengthening the positioning of women in these chains. »

February 25, 2020Knowledge Portal
Youth opportunity spaces in low-emission dairy development in Kenya

This note aimed to understand how intensification in the dairy sector, in combination with changing urban-rural dynamics, influences young women and men’s employment opportunities in Kenya. strategic attention should be given to social and rural development outcomes in the design of low emission development interventions and specific focus on how to increase the potential of intensification to support youth employment and youth equitable outcomes. »

January 7, 2020Knowledge Portal
Effects of milk cooling: A case study on milk supply chain for a factory in Ethiopia

In this study the effects of different scenarios for introducing a cold milk chain are evaluated based on rejection rates and costs to increase the milk supply of a milk factory near Solulta (Ethiopia). Adequate design of milk collection chains and choice of technology options is essential to make the food product available with minimum climate impact. »

January 6, 2020Knowledge Portal
N2Africa: Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

This magazine shares a collection of articles with lessons learned of the N2Africa project. The N2Africa project is a research project that aims to improve the quality and yields of grain legume crops and thereby strengthening the economic position of smallholder farmers. It does so by putting nitrogen fixation to work. »

December 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Youth and jobs in rural Africa: Beyond stylized facts

This book uses survey data to build a nuanced understanding of the constraints and opportunities facing rural youth in Africa. This book finds that a balance between alarm and optimism is warranted. Addressing youth employment in Africa is a global challenge, but it is one that was overcome by other developing regions when they underwent similar demographic transitions three decades ago. Currently, youth employment is a major policy goal today, however policies themselves often fall short of addressing the constraints facing young job seekers. »

November 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
Seeds of change: The power of fruits and vegetables to improve nutrition in Tanzania

This report examined the imperative role of fruits and vegetables in combating malnutrition in Tanzania. The major barrier to individual and household consumption of fruits and vegetables was lack of knowledge, including a basic misunderstanding of nutritional needs versus hunger, generational misinformation on cooking vegetables too long to cleanse them of pesticides, and taboos concerning the effects of certain vegetables on male reproductive health. »