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Sub-Saharan Africa

December 8, 2015Knowledge Portal
Innovation platforms: expriences with their institutional embedding in agricultural research for development

This article in the Experimental Agriculture Journal highlights ‘Innovation Platforms’ (IPs) as a promising vehicle to foster a paradigm shift in agricultural research for development (AR4D). By facilitating interaction, negotiation and collective action between farmers, researchers and other stakeholders, IPs can contribute to more integrated, systemic innovation that is essential for achieving agricultural development impacts. However, successful implementation of IPs requires institutional change within AR4D establishments. The objective of this paper is to reflect on the implementation and institutionalisation of IPs in present AR4D programmes. »

December 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
Youth employment and agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

This expert opinion of David Suttie on the INCLUDE Knowledge Platform, highlights the role that agriculture can play in tackling the youth unemployment challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa. Suttie states that integrating the dynamism, energy and innovative potential of youth in agriculture is crucial to increase agricultural productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa, to meet the food and nutrition needs of its population, and to increase the competitiveness of African food markets. »

October 30, 2015Knowledge Portal
Peoples’ nutrition is not a business

This report poses the question: Is nutrition becoming a part of business rather than a human right? The publication presents different reviews from communities around the world and focuses on the socio-economic and cultural context in which human beings nutritional status is determined. It critically assesses the corporate influence on nutrition status and the right to food. »

October 5, 2015Knowledge Portal
Africa agriculture status report: youth in agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa

This report highlights the current status of youth in sub-Saharan Africa and present the opportunities and potential that the region’s ‘youth bulge’ and ‘youthening’ generation brings to agriculture. »

September 30, 2015Knowledge Portal
Agricultural commodity price shocks and their effect on growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

This article in the Journal of Agricultural Economics, examines the importance of agricultural price shocks to economic growth in selected Sub-Saharan Africa countries. The novel aspect of this study is that the authors determine whether the response of per capita GDP for the selected Sub-Saharan African countries is different to unexpected increases in agricultural commodity prices as opposed to decreases in prices. »

August 26, 2015Knowledge Portal
Africa-EU research collaboration on food security: A Critical Analysis of the Scope, Coordination and Uptake of Findings

This report (PDF) by CAAST-NET Plus presents the key findings from an analysis of research cooperation between Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. Two issues were investigated: first, the extent to which joint EU-SSA research cooperation has impacted on Africa-EU joint FNS priorities; and, second, the extent to which research outputs have been used in policy-making and »