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August 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
The policy landscape for infant and young child feeding in South Asia

This edition focuses on how an improved policy landscape can improve infant and young child feeding practices in South Asia. Enabling policy environments for nutrition requires evidence to support best practice and engagement with political and policy contexts, as well as leadership, resourcing, advocacy, and technical support. »

July 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
A study on cauliflower based intercropping system

This article studies the performance of cauliflower based intercropping system. The experiment consisted of seven treatments, where one with sole cauliflower as monocrop and in the remaining six French bean, pea, beet, carrot, palak and coriander were included as intercrops with the cauliflower. »

July 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agricultural innovation and adaptation to climate change: Empirical evidence from diverse agro-ecologies in South Asia

This article generates empirical evidence on emerging agricultural innovations in contrasting socio-economic, geographical and agro-ecological contexts. The study demonstrates that several farm practices (innovations) have emerged in response to multiple drivers over time, with various forms of institutional and policy support, including incentives to reduce risks in the adoption of innovative practice. »

June 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Helping women control their financial lives through digital financial services

This expert opinion discusses how digital financial services (DFS) can help women to control their financial lives. One important benefit of DFS to women is privacy. »

June 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sustainable Development Goals: Strengthening rural-urban linkages is the key for India

This blog argues that strengthening rural-urban linkages is the key to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 2 in India. Rapid urbanization brings unique challenges to rural and urban areas, including challenges to agriculture and nutrition. Yet rapid urbanization also brings opportunities. To take advantage of these opportunities, strong rural-urban linkages are needed. »

June 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
The contribution of international vegetable breeding to private seed companies in India

This article explores the role of international agricultural research when research and development have shifted to the private sector. Results show that as the role of the private sector in vegetable breeding increased, and with it the share of hybrids in the market, the role of international agricultural research shifted from the provision of ready-made varieties to the provision of specific resistance traits. »