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June 2, 2016Knowledge Portal
The unholy alliance, five western donors shape a pro-corporate agenda for African agriculture

This report from the Oakland Institute exposes how a coalition of four donor countries and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is shaping a pro-business environment in the agricultural sector of developing countries, especially in Africa. The report focuses on the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) project, implemented by the World Bank. »

June 1, 2016Knowledge Portal
City region food systems and food waste management: Linking urban and rural areas for sustainable and resilient development

This policy brief describes the results of 13 case studies on city region food systems and food waste management. It provides lessons learned on the institutionalisation of city region food policies and programmes and on design of specific programmes and policies for sustainable city region food systems. The brief concludes that City region food systems (CRFS) are vital to the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in three key ways. »

June 1, 2016Knowledge Portal
The 4Ps of inclusive business: How perseverance, partnerships, pilots and passion can lead to success

Business Innovation Facility (BIF), is a pilot programme funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), that has provided hundreds of inclusive businesses with technical and advisory support, which means the BIF team has been truly inside the ‘engine’ of business. This report is the culmination of the lessons learned during this work, written at the completion of the BIF pilot. The report draws together findings on inclusive business models that work – or don’t – and the journeys that companies are making. »

May 31, 2016Knowledge Portal
Livestock for sustainable development in the 21st Century

The document (PDF) by the Livestock Global Alliance focuses on the potential of livestock as solutions to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It portrays the broad diversity of the livestock sector, ranging from grazing to industrial systems. »

May 31, 2016Knowledge Portal
Sustainable global agrifood supply chains: Exploring the barriers

The article investigates the factors that make businesses postpone integrating the performance dimension of sustainability in global agrifood supply chains. Based on literature-based conceptual reasoning, the article conceptualizes a double company lens distinguishing between substantial supply chain management and mere public relations endeavors as a major obstacle for businesses pursuing comprehensive supply chain performance in global agrifood chains. »

May 26, 2016Knowledge Portal
Unlocking local currency lending: Foreign exchange risk in agricultural finance

This briefing note by the The Initiative for Smallholder Finance, details how philanthropic investment can play an influential role in mitigating foreign exchange risk. The note emerged from conversations with stakeholders at various levels of the agricultural value chain who expressed concerns about managing the foreign exchange (FX) exposure in their businesses – traders who pre-finance farmers and financiers who lend to smallholders and agri-businesses, among others. »