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October 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
Inclusive PPP’s: Emerging best practices

This report aimed to gain more insight of inclusiveness in the public-private partnership project portfolio of the Netherlands Sustainable Water Fund and the Facility for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Food Security, to increase insight into specific characteristics of the beneficiaries and possible indirect effects . »

October 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Breaking away from industrial food and farming systems: Seven case studies of agroecological transition

This report shines light on ways to drive transitions in food and farming systems, breaking away from industrial agriculture. Changes are required in four key dimensions: production practices, knowledge generationand dissemination, social and economic relations, and institutional frameworks. »

October 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
A framework for priority-setting in climate smart agriculture research

This article proposes a framework for prioritising agricultural research investment across scales and reviews different approaches to setting priorities among agricultural research projects. A mix of actions that span spatial and temporal time scales is needed to ensure climate-smart agriculture research effectiveness. »

October 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2018

This annual report measures the progress of the world fisheries and aquaculture role in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and emphasizing its role in achieving them. Fish is an important, consistently affordable dietary component worldwide, albeit with large geographic variance. »

October 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
Gendered aspirations and occupations among rural youth, in agriculture and beyond: A cross-regional perspective

This paper explores rural young women’s and men’s occupational aspirations and trajectories in India, Mali, Malawi, Morocco, Mexico, Nigeria and the Philippines. Rural youth predominantly aspires formal blue and white-collar jobs. Some young men aspired to engage in agriculture, young women did not due to gender norms. »

October 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
Big data could mean big opportunity: Why we should stay excited for data analytics in smallholder finance

This brief aims to provide a high level understanding of how data analytics is used for smallholder farmers. The authors of the brief believe there are ways to transform the underlying economics to serve farmers profitably and at scale – and that data and technology could be fundamental drivers of this shift. »