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December 27, 2018Knowledge Portal
A living income for small-scale farmers: Tackling unequal risks and market power

This paper argues that closing the living income gap for small-scale farmer requires tackling the underlying imbalance in risk and market power that many of them face when engaging in global food value chains. The underlying imbalance is not accidental, but reinforced by structural barriers at the level of individual supply chains, commodity sectors, and public policy agendas. »

December 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Equity, empowerment and gender relations: A literature review of special relevance for climate-smart agriculture programming

This brief summarizes the results of a literature review on equity, empowerment and gender relations for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) programming. A wider and more equitable gender sensitivity is now seen amongst policy makers and local government, with a corresponding enhanced and out-scaled uptake on CSA. »

December 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
Are agricultural researchers working on the right crops to enable food and nutrition security under future climates?

This study examined how crop-specific agricultural research investments can be prioritised to anticipate climate change impact on crops and to enable the production of more nutritious food. The analysis shows that current research investments are mostly associated with the current energy output of crops. Other things equal, investment levels tend to be slightly lower for crops better adapted to future climates and tend to decrease as crop nutrient richness increases. »

December 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
The Scaling Scan: a practical tool to determine the potential to scale

Impact at scale is needed to address critical global issues like water availability, sanitation, food security, access to clean energy and environmental concerns. But at the same time we all seem to wonder what scaling actually means in practice: how can our policy or project activities contribute to reach impact at scale? The PPPLab, studied to what it realistically takes to scale, and developed a practical tool that helps projects to identify strengths and weaknesses of their scaling strategies.  »

December 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
Impact of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on global human nutrition

This article analysed the impact of elevated CO2 concentrations on the sufficiency of dietary intake of iron, zinc and protein for the populations of 151 countries. Atmospheric CO2 is on pace to surpass 550 ppm in the next 30–80 years. Many food crops grown under 550 ppm have protein, iron and zinc contents that are reduced by 3–17% compared with current conditions. »

December 10, 2018Knowledge Portal
Food system governance: A systematic literature review

This article seeks to capture how food system governance has been conceptualized in academic literature since the world food prices crises of 2007/2008 and what proposals have been developed to change and strengthen food system governance. The article is part of a book that addresses a range of issues in food governance revolving around questions of justice, fairness, equality and human rights. »