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March 13, 2019Knowledge Portal
Systematic review of use and interpretation of dietary diversity indicators in nutrition-sensitive agriculture literature

This article assesss to what extent and how studies used and interpreted common metrics of dietary diversity, which would improve comparability across studies to produce global evidence of the impact of agriculture on nutrition and food security. Most studies based on individual level FGIs were consistent with published guidance, while many of the studies measuring households’ dietary diversity were not, particularly in terms of interpretation of the indicators or of food group classification. »

March 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
Climate change and the global dairy cattle sector: The role of the dairy sector in a low-carbon future

This report is an attempt to understand the contribution of the dairy sector to global emissions between 2005 and 2015 as a further step towards addressing the challenge of climate change and defining a low-carbon pathway for the sector. Research, policies, regulations, infrastructure, and incentives will all be required to systematically support low-carbon choices. »

March 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
Characterizing diversity of food systems in view of sustainability transitions: Review

This paper presents a framework to characterize the diversity of existing food systems and classify the food systems in terms of their support by mainstream practices. Results of the framework can be used to focus attention on functioning of the food system components and reveal main barriers and promising elements, and can be used in the exploration of potential transition pathways of food systems. »

March 5, 2019Knowledge Portal
The state of the world’s biodiversity for food and agriculture

This report provides an assessment of biodiversity for food and agriculture (BFA) and its management worldwide. BFA is the subset of biodiversity that contributes in one way or another to agriculture and food production. BFA is indispensable to food security. The sustainable use and conservation for BFA call for approaches in which genetic resources, species and ecosystems are managed in an integrated way in the context of production systems and their surroundings. »

March 4, 2019Knowledge Portal
Agriculture for improved nutrition: Seizing the momentum

This book strengthens the evidence base for, and expands our vision of, how agriculture can contribute to nutrition. In order to achieve truly nutrition-driven agricultural policies, programs, investments, and strategies, nutrition needs to explicitly be integrated into the design. The most salient theme of this volume is the need for more evidence. More research is needed on the sustainability of agriculture–nutrition interventions. »

February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
One size does not fit all: Private-sector perspectives on climate change, agriculture and adaptation

This paper assesses how private-sector actors across the supply chain manage climate smart agriculture (CSA), with an eye on how civil society can better engage companies in promoting CSA practices. The research highlights the need for the scientific community to provide more detailed, actionable information to incentivise companies’ investments in CSA. »