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November 13, 2019Knowledge Portal
Reach, benefit and empower women with financial services

This paper analyzed three cases on women’s access to financial services in agriculture and revealed that an increased access empowered women. Recommended is to develop a focus on female clients, starting by a proper market analysis, and to use communication channels that women are familiar with »

November 5, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food systems at risk: New trends and challenges

This report examined the most up-to-date scientific assessment of the danger humanity faces if present trends continue, with priority being given to food systems in low and middle income countries (LMIC). The potential severity of the combinations of risks to which LMIC food systems are exposed requires a change in their transformation pattern. Since food systems face locally specific combinations of risks, they als have to meet locally specific objectives. »

November 4, 2019Knowledge Portal
Local to global policy as a catalyst for change: Key messages

This working paper demonstrates the ways of catalysing transformation in food systems through policy change from local to global level. Food system transformation demands participation and action from all actors. Policy change can guide and catalyse that action but requires political and public will and a shift in mindsets toward a more collective and shared approach. »

October 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
The State of the World’s Children 2019: Children, food and nutrition

The State of the World’s Children 2019 examines children’s malnutrition today and sets an agenda to put children’s nutrition first. Improving children’s nutrition requires food systems to deliver nutritious, safe, affordable and sustainable diets for all children. Thereby, food environments are crucial. »

October 21, 2019Knowledge Portal
Boosting farmer incomes in agricultural supply chains

This review examines how to take major, structural steps forward on farmer income by analysis nine high-performing cases. The review exposed three patterns that help explain the succes of these cases: 1) Greatly strenghtening farmer market position. 2) Businesses playing an important role, but not through business as usual. 3) Tapping into growing domestic markets. »

October 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food safety in low and middle-income countries: The evidence through an economic lens

This study explored food safety issues at each stage of the value chain to identify the economic questions, practical challenges, and knowledge gaps along the way. With regard to food standards there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and policymakers will need to consider the specific of the circumstances when working to make improvements along the value chain. »