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February 21, 2020Knowledge Portal
Stunting, undernutrition and obesity: the triple threat of childhood malnutrition

This collection pulls together publications highlighting research into the mediating factors for, and potential solutions to, childhood undernutrition and obesity. Good news is that many forms of undernutrition resolve as nations pass through the demographic and wealth transition. The bad news is that in almost all such circumstances the pendulum swings too far and the population races towards an obesity epidemic. »

February 20, 2020Knowledge Portal
Food security and conflict: Empirical challenges and future opportunities for research and policy making on food security and conflict

This article examines the endogeneity that characterizes the coupling between food (in)security and conflict. While the policy community has pushed forward with new programs, the academic debate about the causal linkages between food security and conflict remains contested. For policy makers, closing data gaps will be essential for producing effective food security and peacebuilding policies. »

February 17, 2020Knowledge Portal
Financing the transformation of food systems under a changing climate

This report states that the global food system will need to produce food more efficiently and sustainably to achieve the SDGs and meet the 2°C climate commitments of the Paris Agreement. As climate change affects food systems, governments, food and agriculture companies, and public and private investors need to better identify and address the numerous climate-related risks they face. »

February 5, 2020Knowledge Portal
Digital technologies, hyper-transparency and smallholder farmer inclusion in global value chains

This article states that globalization of food value chains has increased the demand for greater transparency over where food is produced, how, by whom and with what effect on society and the environment. A range of new digital technologies are available to facilitate transparency, with the promise of leading the global food system to an era of ‘hyper-transparency’. Its impact on smallholder farmer inclusion, however, remains questionable »

February 4, 2020Knowledge Portal
Potato seed systems

This article states that good quality seed is almost universally considered a requirement for high productivity in all potato production systems. Potato seed sector development is thus a major concern of governments, researchers, development agencies, and civil society organizations. »

February 4, 2020Knowledge Portal
From population to production: 50 years of scientific literature on how to feed the world

This article analysed scietific literature on how to feed the world, distinguishing between a focus on three potential levers: total food production, per capita food demand, and population. To reverse this long-term trend whereby population, diet, and food production have been tackled in isolation, the article suggests strengthening inter-disciplinary research that jointly addresses these three leverage points. »