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May 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Climate and livestock policy coherence analysis in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda

This working paper examines 40 climate, agriculture, livestock, development, land, and environment policies across Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda for strength and coherence in addressing livestock sector adaptation and mitigation. The countries are clearly working to integrate livestock climate change strategies into climate and other policy areas, although at times with limited detail and coherence. . In terms of mitigation in the livestock sector, examples of robust strategies are more limited. »

March 21, 2019Knowledge Portal
Gender and agricultural innovation in Oromia region, Ethiopia: From innovator to tempered radical

This article examined whether the concept of tempered radicals, developed originally to interrogate change processes in organizations, has validity in rural agricultural settings. Whilst both women and men innovators face considerable challenges, women, in particular, are precariously located ‘outsiders within,’ negotiating carefully between norm and sanction. »

February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
Contributions of livestock-derived foods to nutrient supply under changing demand in low- and middle-income countries

This paper assesses the contribution of livestock to the food and nutrient supply of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by presenting a case study of eight countries. For almost all the countries and under a range of scenarios of economic and climatic change in 2050, it is found that per capita protein supply from livestock-derived food (LDF) will increase relative to that from plant sources. »

February 27, 2019Knowledge Portal
Opportunities for strengthening gender and social equity in Ethiopia’s wheat sector

This report outlines how an insufficient focus on the barriers women face continues to have a significant impact on the agricultural productivity, economic growth and food security in Ethiopia. Many government and project partners do not know how to assist with the social and gender norm changes necessary to ensure women can benefit from development equitably. »

February 27, 2019Knowledge Portal
Vegetable business and smallholders’ food security: Empirical findings from Northern Ethiopia

This article aims to answer the question is whether market-oriented vegetable production will actually help farmers to become more food secure. The results show that a farmer’s participation in the vegetable business increased significantly with adequate household productive resources, cooperative memberships and access to extension services. While Ethiopia is going ahead with inclusive market-driven approaches to food security, alternative mechanisms must be put in place to address the negative impacts and to empower those living in the most vulnerable conditions. »

February 14, 2019Knowledge Portal
Can governments promote homestead gardening at scale? Evidence from Ethiopia

This study analyzes a large and novel survey on the adoption of a nationwide homestead garden (HG) program implemented by the Ethiopian government. Results show that adaption of HGs in water-scarce communities is low (<12%) suggesting water access is the main barrier to HG adoption. In more water-abundant communities, better market access encourages HG adoption; so too does greater public promotion of HGs. »