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February 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Small-scale poultry and food security in resource-poor settings: A review

This review highlights the multitude of avenues through which small-scale poultry production can contribute to improved household food and nutrition security in low- and middle-income countries with limited resources (resource-poor settings).  »

January 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
The financial feasibility of producing fish and vegetables through aquaponics

This article uses a cost-benefit analysis to assess the financial feasibility of an investment in a small-scale aquaponics system in the province of Negros Oriental, Philippines. Using this case study, in addition to refereed papers and grey literature, generic recommendations for up- and out-scaling of aquaponics are presented.  »

January 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Pulses for nutrition in India: Changing patterns from farm to fork

This book considers the role that pulses can play in improving food security and nutrition in India as well as the changes necessary in production practices to accomplish these goals. India, a country with high concentrations of poor and malnourished people, long promoted a cereal-centric diet composed of subsidized staple commodities to feed its population. »

January 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
How climate drives hunger: Food security climate analyses, methodologies & lessons 2010-2016

This reports acts as a compendium of the main findings from food security climate analyses undertaken by WFP and partners around the world and documenting key lessons learnt from these efforts.  »

December 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Pathway analysis of vegetable farming commercialization

This article analyzes factors that determine farmers’ intention to commercialize vegetable farming; and the effect of commercialization on farmers’ income in four major vegetable producing regions of Eastern Indonesia. Results indicate that commercial vegetable farming provides economic advantage in terms of increased income and benefits for the whole rural community. »

December 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
Food (in)security in rapidly urbanising, low-income contexts

This article describes how, for the urban poor in low and middle-income countries, food affordability and utilization are shaped by the income and non-income dimensions of poverty that include the urban space. Urbanization in low and middle-income nations presents both opportunities and immense challenges. There is limited knowledge of how these challenges affect the ways in which poor urban residents gain access to food and secure healthy and nutritious diets. »