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August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Is ‘mind-set change’ the new frontier for Africa’s youth?

This expert opinion refutes the notion that the mind-set change of young people towards a more ‘entrepreneurial mind-set’ is the solution. First, surely it is right that we are very cautious about any analysis that defines the views, perspectives, attitudes and imagined futures of a whole generation – their mind-set – as problematic. »

August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Youth in agribusiness in Africa: turning knowledge into action

This blog highlights the potential for fostering entrepreneurship and creating role models to persuade youth not to relocate to cities. The author states that a supporting environment should be provided for young people to thrive in agriculture and agribusiness. »

August 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
The support for farmers-led seed systems in African seed laws

This synthesis report compares regional and national seed laws in Africa, and analyzes the extent to which they support (or undermine) farmers’ participation in seed systems. The paper pays particular attention to how or whether these laws recognize farmers as conservers and breeders of crop varieties, and as potential multipliers and providers of seed. »

August 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Pastoralist societies in flux: A conceptual framework analysis of herding and land use among the Mukugodo Maasai of Kenya

This article illustrates the relationship between globalization and apparent transformations in pastoralist behavior in recent years. The paper focuses specifically on the links among climate, land use, and herding in rural northern Kenya. »

August 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agribusinesses, smallholder tenure security, and plot-level investments

This working paper investigates how a decrease in the share of land held by an agribusiness in a village affects smallholder plot-level tenure security and investments in rural Tanzanian villages. A large number of agribusinesses that acquired agricultural land in many sub-Saharan African countries have reduced or ceased their operations in recent years. »

July 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
The contribution of Swaziland Dairy Board on dairy farmers’ productivity

This article aimed to establish the contribution of Swaziland Dairy Board (SDB) policy goals on smallholder dairy farmers’ productivity. The SDB was established to promote increased dairy production to satisfy the domestic and export market. »