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August 16, 2017Knowledge Portal
Can flexible agricultural microfinance loans limit the repayment risk of low diversified farmers?

This article investigates the credit risk of microfinance loans with flexible repayment schedules for crop farmers. Flexible repayment schedules allow a redistribution of principal payments during periods with low agricultural returns to periods when agricultural returns are high through predefined grace periods. »

August 16, 2017Knowledge Portal
A review of soil fertility management and crop response to fertilizer application in Ethiopia

This report reviews the response of crops to organic and inorganic fertilizer applications in Ethiopia and aims to facilitate the design of a fertilizer recommendation tool. Results show that the productivity of major crops has increased steadily over the last two decades. »

August 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agricultural transformation in Africa? Assessing the evidence in Ethiopia

This article explores the rapid change in the agriculture sector of Ethiopia. Despite significant efforts, Africa has struggled to imitate the rapid agricultural growth that took place in Asia in the 1960s and 1970s. As a rare but important exception, Ethiopia’s agriculture sector recorded remarkable rapid growth during 2004–14. »

August 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
The rising costs of animal-source foods in Ethiopia: Evidence and implications

This working paper analyzes animal-source foods (ASF) price patterns in the last decade. In many developing countries in which staple foods dominate the composition of diets, higher consumption of ASF is associated with significant nutritional benefits. Prices are important for consumption decisions in these settings. »

August 9, 2017Knowledge Portal
Food consumption, nutrient intake, and dietary patterns in Ghanaian migrants in Europe and their compatriots in Ghana

This article aims to describe the dietary behavior among Ghanaian migrants in Europe and their compatriots living in different Ghanaian settings (urban and rural). Contributions of macro-nutrients to the daily energy intake was different across the three study sites. »

August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Bringing farmers into the game: Strengthening farmers’ role in the innovation process through a simulation game

This article in the discusses the participation of farmers in knowledge co-production within multi-stakeholder settings. While farmers are recognized as equally weighing sources of innovation in the Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) framework, their participation in knowledge co-production within multi-stakeholder settings such as innovation platforms is still often limited. »