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April 4, 2018Knowledge Portal
Relevance of informal institutions for achieving sustainable crop intensification in Uganda

This paper analyzes the influence of informal institutions on farmers’ access to land resources, financial resources, and farm inputs to achieve Sustainable Crop Intensification (SCI). Results indicate that informal institutions play a central role in enhancing farmers’ investment in SCI interventions. »

March 28, 2018Knowledge Portal
The effect of cash transfers and household vulnerability on food security in Zimbabwe

This article studies the impact of the Zimbabwe Harmonized Social Cash Transfer (HSCT), an unconditional cash transfer, on household food security. Cash transfers are a policy instrument that can help build household resiliency in obtaining access to food.  »

March 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
The fine line between trusting and cheating: Exploring relationships between actors in Ugandan pineapple value chains.

This article examined the creation and maintenance of business relationships as well as challenges faced based on semi-structured interviews with farmers, brokers and traders.. Findings show how trust unfolds to mediate exchange relations that structure chain organisation. »

March 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Sell low and buy high: Arbitrage and local price effects in Kenyan markets

This paper explores the role of financial market imperfections in contributing to farmers’ apparent inability to exploit  arbitrage opportunity. Large and regular seasonal price fluctuations in local grain markets appear to offer African farmers substantial inter-temporal arbitrage opportunities »

March 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
Competitiveness of the Ghanaian vegetable sector: Findings from a farmer survey

This study looks broadly at the state of vegetable competitiveness in Ghana; focusing on trade, production, profitability, and marketing. Ghana depends on import to meet local consumption requirements of horticulture foods. Seasonality is one reason that vegetable production cannot meet local demand. »

March 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Inclusion of gender in Africa’s climate change policies and strategies

This article aims at reviewing climate change related policies and strategies in East and West Africa through a gendered lens. The article examined commonality in policies, while recognizing the complexity in the social, economic and ecological systems of each country. »