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May 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
Private and public costs and benefits of implementing a quality-based milk payment system in Kenya

This study assesses the model of dairy processor Happy Cow Ltd as a pilot to introduce a quality-based milk payment systems (QBMPS) in Kenya that integrates smallholders as suppliers. QBMPSs could successfully control and improve the milk quality in Kenya along the dairy chain. »

April 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agriculture , food security, and nutrition in Malawi: Leveraging the links

This report aims to answer the question: “How can Malawi better leverage its smallholder agriculture sector to improve nutrition?”  A critical message is the need to focus more strongly on diet quality as key goal for leveraging agriculture for improved nutrition and health.  »

April 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Farmers’ perspectives: Impact of climate change on African indigenous vegetable production in Kenya

This study aims to understand farmers’ perceptions of how the climate is changing is vital to anticipating its impacts. Famers were aware of the moderate effect of climate on AIVs. The current volatility in rainfall patterns has made it difficult for farmers to plan their cropping calendare to suit the changes. »

April 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Building inclusive agricultural technologies for young people

The report by the Mastercard Foundation Youth Think Tank, investigates how well technological innovation is supported and how well technologies have reached agricultural communities in Africa. This research captures the experience of young people in the agrifood system — both those who innovate and those they design solutions for. »

April 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Critical capital for African agrifood small and medium enterprises

This study focuses on  agrifood small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that form the ‘missing middle’: too large for micro-finance and too small for mainstream banks and private equity firms. The study evaluates the access of risk capital by agrifood SMEs. »

April 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
The power to exercise choice: Implementing farmers’ rights to eradicate poverty and adapt to climate change

This report describes the main tools and achievements to realize farmers’ rights by empowering indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers to uphold their role in contributing to food security and strengthening their adaptive capacities. The key tool to realize farmers’ rights are farmer field schools. »