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August 10, 2018Knowledge Portal
Land tenure and water sources for urban vegetable farmers in Asante-Mampong, Ghana

This study ooks at existing vegetable farmslands use arrangement, irrigation water sources, awareness of wastewater irrigatoin and willingsness of its practie in Ghana. Vegetable farming plays a significant role in urban societies, but issues of availability of land and water sources exists. »

August 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
How African cities lead: Urban policy innovation and agriculture in Kampala and Nairobi

This study examines how citizens, civil society organizations, city governments and national bureaucrats in Kampala and Nairobi, East Africa, have interacted to produce policy innovation in agriculture. Cities are increasingly becoming focal points for agricultural policy change in Africa. »

July 26, 2018
Understanding agribusiness-based advisory services: Findings of a learning trajectory

This report on the functioning of agribusiness-based agricultural advisory services to small-scale farmers. Advisory services are potentially important mechanisms for small and particularly medium farmers to improve the way they farm, increase the volume and quality of production and enhance their livelihoods. »

July 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Can sustainable agriculture mitigate massive youth migration in Africa?

This article is on sustainable agriculture lever to mitigate youth migration in Africa. Sustainable agricultural transformation in an approach that offers one of the most robust and immediate opportunities for addressing several of the drivers of migration in Africa. »

July 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Fish consumption in urban Lusaka: The need for aquaculture to improve targeting of the poor

This paper aims to generate information on the fish consumption patterns of poor urban households and explore the role of aquaculture as a source of fish among poor urban households in Zambia. Results imply that the poorest households are less likely to supplement their diets with fish products from aquaculture. »

July 9, 2018Knowledge Portal
Assessment of production potential and post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables in northern region of Ethiopia

This study assesses the production potential and post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables at farmer’s feld and uidentifies the technological gaps in the existing production and post-harvest handling techniques, in Northern Ethiopia. »